Y165. From Quantum to Pentecost Highlights (Whitepaper)

1a. Backbone Printing Press Inventor – Bi Shen, Gutenberg, etc.

Hence the Christianity as well as it brother Fundamentalism Islam may able preach from Prague to Mainstream Population.

Gutenberg Printing Press

1b. The 1st Church Reformation, Binding Creationism and Genesis to Science Class Room – Martin Luther, John Wesley, etc.

The typical Scientific Theology Book

2. Breakthrough of Applied Physics a.k.a. Economic Science – Wright Brothers, etc.

Hence the Promising Democracy, Human Right and Economic Booming bring Advent of New Era to Religion Diplomat Era in Israel and Palestine.

Wright Brothers Airplane Testimony

2b. African Human Right and Preaching Wave from African and South American and to United Nations – Martin Luther King Junior, etc.

Pioneer of African Human Right

3. Telecommunication Economy a.k.a. Economic Science Established – James Webb, James Dyson, Bill Gate, etc.

Hence the Bible and its derivative Books may spread to every corner of World, and there may able for many translations, versions, commentary, geography map and Theology Research Books launched.

United States James Webb Telescope

3b. Semitics Human Right Revolution in Chinese and Western, and the Rise of Fundamentalist Belief in China Mainland, Chinese Economic Premises, and Japan and Islam Communities a.k.a. Islam Renaissance. – Sun Yat Sen, Vladimir Putin etc.

Promote Chinese Economics by Pioneer Technology Automatic Control as well as Martial Arts Jet Kun Do Bruce Lee, etc.

China Chang Er’ 4 Moon Landing

New Moses – New Noah – James (Law) (Economics)
James Dyson->James Webb, Bill Gate
Chinese Noah->Bruce Lee (Hongkong Hollywood, etc)

New Solomon – New Joshua – Martin (Politics)(Religion)
Martin Luther->Martin Luther King Junior
Chinese Joshua->Sun Yat Sen (Nationalist Revolution, etc), Vladimir Putin (Nazi Syndicate Disruption)

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.