Y172. Carbonless Combustion (Whitepaper)

Let us find out the Performance of the Combustion using the Distilled Crude Oil.

The choice of Distilled Crude Oil is based on the faith on the 14 derivative generation of Organic Compound shall return to the initial state of purity.

The Carbonless Combustion is based on the faith that the balanced Carbon dioxide exhaustion to the entire Ecology and effect to Ozone deterioration.

First of all, the Performance is measured by the efficiency of the combustion as well as the heat transfer.

The Carbon Chain Structure more complex, the more efficient of the combustion due to the ease of yield of carbon dioxide. vice versa.

The empirical formula for the combustion is

C-C-C–>CO^2 +H2O+Other Chemistry Compound.

The ease of the combustion is measured by the purity, there are only the Crude Oil and the Ammonia the equivalent highest purity and homogenous characteristic.

Combinedly, the Heat Transfer depends on the Entropy of the Carbon Chain Structure. And it is the Crude Oil first rank and the 14th derivative the Ammonia i.e. last rank equivalent too.

The Entropy Index could measured by the Heat Capacity or Boiling Point.

Possess high Heat Capacity and Boiling Point, the explosive Index shall be lowest, and this is for safety concerns.

Credit to ASME America Society of Mechanical Engineer “Topic, Decarbonizing Engines using Green Ammonia and e-Fuels”

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