Y174. Salvation to Chinese (Broadcast)

Racial Riot a.k.a. Ethnic War (Wrestling about Commodities)
WWI Mafia Syndicate War, Roman vs Anglo
West Europe Mafia (a.k.a. Italy Mafia) vs East Europe Mafia (a.k.a. East India Company)

Civil War a.k.a. Religion War (Wrestling about Financial Credit Rating)
WWII Organised Syndicate War, Eastern Orthodox vs Catholic
Russian Organised Syndicate (a.k.a. Russia Bratva) vs Singapore Organised Syndicate (a.k.a. Qing Syndicate)

World/Cold War a.k.a. Technology/Economic War (Wrestling about Intellectual Property)
WWIII Cult Syndicate War, Traditional Atheism vs Charismatic Wave
Asia Cult Syndicate (a.k.a. Fasci Japan) vs Western Cult Syndicate (a.k.a. Nazi Germany)

Mafia and Organised has to be allied. Let’s draw your and our boundary.

Possess the Rocket Science and Earth Science knowledge is a must in World War Era. Leveraging, and equip yourself. Of course before that you need to join Church.

Christianity can be a long journey. Calvinism Theology is biased to Western. We need equip with Spirit and Wisdom.

Failed to do, you have to catch up. Time’s urs.

In salvation its benchmark instead of evaluation. Opps.

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