Y180. Chronicle from Eden Garden to Heaven (Broadcast)

Accordingly more clearer

Luke Gospel: Heaven->Apostle Epistles (Original)
John Gospel: Oriental->Revelation (Present)
Mark Gospel: Eden Garden->Minor Prophets (Past)
Matthew Gospel: Promised Land->Major Prophets (Future)

Heaven – New Moses (e.g. Martin the Politician)
Oriental – New Joshua (e.g. Calvin the Preacher)
Eden Garden – New Adam (e.g. Wesley the Doctor)
Promised Land – New Noah (e.g. James the Inventor)

Heaven 1G/5G (Biblical) – Great Wall (Disease vs Conspiracy Crime)
Oriental 4G (Pentecost) – Silk Road (Terror vs Non Conspiracy Mafia)
Eden Garden 2G (Trilogy) – Berlin Wall (Pandemic vs Nuclear)
Promised Land 3G (Quantum) – Israel wall (Terrorism vs Tsunami)

Biblical – Modern Buckingham/Royalism
Pentecost – New Jerusalem/Nationalism
Trilogy – Ancient Egypt/Imperialism
Quantum – Advent United States/Democracy

Reconciliation (Dynasty)->Preaching (Royal)->Education (Democracy)->Ministry (Human Right)

And present is always. Ministry. But things is not usual. There was start, there is end. In fact it is perpetual. In the senses of jetpack. There are alot of small loops, before the big loops and until the end loops. The condition of End Loops is Fade point. Just need one. Called Settling. a.k.a. Auto Pilot. Moore’s Law, Pentecost is 4G. Biblical Heaven is New Buckingham/New Royalism.

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