Y183. Brief of Christian Organisation (Forum)

The Liberal Land

Smooth criminal…. I meant something else. This is what so called the King James. Learning and differentiate. Liberal is Liberal. No comment. God’s will.

Those God’s will, men cannot deny. Liberal means freedom from Sins. Highlight. 2 kinds. No Covenants can made. or Covenants is made as freedom. I choose Covenants is made as freedom. Earth Science. It’s not top of the World, after all.

Endervour to Mars

Yes. Radar Radio 3G (Holistic) to 6G Ether Radio (Homogeneous). The Endervour to Mars. Remarkably Success.
But lack one thing, cannot completed. Continental vs Oriental Express.

3G jump to 6G or 4G then 5G then 6G. 2 Parallel Timeline of Alpha Omega and A to Z.
So, America is most Liberal.

Covenants only for freedom from sins

Covenants can be made as Liberal and Freedom from Sins. Geographical i.e. Economics sack and Spiritually i.e. Telecommunication sack. Imagine how lousy is the electronic communication.

Coverage is 2200km. The Radar Tank coverage. That is best seat. Make more seat available as possible to get the champion. Different here is not show off.

Best from the Large Pool Solitary

They use Certification. That is not Semitic or Germans way. If no seat available, then Economic miracle is empty.
That is the China way. Choose the best. Fasci and Communism.

Ok, why I say this? The world has change from Communities to Solitary. That’s why we have Windows 11, the terminator as well as the Remote Work.

That’s reason Nationalist Fail

Why Nationalist Fail? It is a plan. Earth Communities vs Earth Village. Sector and Segment. United Nations to Royalism.
i.e. 3G to 6G.

Its for Culture Renaissance Sake too. When in Earth Village Idealism, the World become Social Ordered. Good Climate, Good Economics, Good Technology and Hence Good Medicine.

All Man are accountable

Its called Social Hierarchy alternatively named. e.g. Africa is top of the World. Of course comes price. I arrange it at Musical way. Medicine way.

So all are Solitary, in fact there are some leak of so called Traveller. You are how many threads are there in normal human brain? Its must be accountable, no one less.

The Eternal Life and the Heaven

How can a human die? Your identity will never vanish. Romance of Love /Amour of Love. Do you watch Bollywood?
From Sigmund we may know a little more.

Its about Land. From Land it yields Heaven. Not the other way round. No Canaan no Heaven, No Israel no Heaven. Geographically and Spiritual.

The form up of Christian Organisation

Geographically in terms of Terrain. Spiritually in terms of Commercial Job. Commercial job meant Profitable Job. Christian Organisation. No donation.

There are Front Lines and Back End in a Business. To grows big is main objective and 2nd is premium. Reap and Sow Front Lines for example. Two theorems. Darwin’s theory of Time. and Genesis theory of Moses Law

Brief Summary

Its about Genetic after all. Summary so far, I talk about Lands, Spiritual, United Nations Communities to Royalism Earth Village, then Israel the Perfect Land and Spiritual for Christian Organization, the Commercial Profitable Career and Genetic theory of Darwin and Genesis.

All of these called Brief of Church, and yet. 2 Sects Goat and Sheep. Wild and Tame.

The two time Line of Culture

So we have Alpha Omega and A-Z timeline. Generation Y and Generation W. That is small Israel. and everywhere.

Culture is the key. e.g. Surround, Dolby, Hall Effect, Amp, Equalizer, Stereo, Sequencer, Live to name a few. Corresponding to Genre of Music for example.

Technical and Ethic

Transgender good or not? This is the point come to Technical and Ethic. We are at Technical Freedom era.
Because we are left behind.

Linear technology called Technical. The Climate Technology called Ethic. Errata. e.g. Hard Disk, Automatic Watch, or Pendulum Clock.

Holistic Engineering or Reverse Engineering

Due to the sense of Pseudo. Placebo. A placebo technology must keep updating. A linear technology is toy or weapon.
Comes to Electronic. Its long road ahead combines with Software.

But its not commercial profit. Due to Pirate Law. When the Supply Chain in chaos, there is protest of Slave.
So Electronic Machine is considered non Ethical but Premium Class compare to Placebo Machine.

Electronic Business require different Approach

Crude Oil is Commercial Profit. But Rare Earth won’t make a Country Rich without moderator. We need Religion to be moderator. The Rare Earth Price is fixed. No economic value. But Religion would make the demand Hurricane.

From Slave oriented Economics to Consumer oriented Economics. Like United States before and After.

The Readiness to break in 6G

After all the objective is Climate Technology. That is the Endervour to Mars for all man kinds. The 6G.

We just need to wait. Until the days we are all readiness. In terms of Genetic. I started a joke. This is all about Wars.
Its come to an Conclusion, stronger survive. But its all about Story too. Its 2 ways time.

The Life Security and Human Right

How to assure of Life Security. This is the goal of Christian Organisation. Improve the Human Right and then Climate, then Economics, and then Technology and Medicine. The assurance is from Jesus Blood redemption. The fulfilment is by vanish of slave economics to consumer economics.

The one who has the common goal of Christian is Our Rival. Its an extreme. two ends.

Fundamentalism may fail. The A.I. Pentecostal has high price

We may failed Jesus and there is Backup. Islam Idealism is Beta. Fundamentalism is Beta. For it is tortoise and Rabbit run.
Semitic versus Germanic is not a dream. Goat versus Sheep. want two. Oriental Express, and you have it all.

Jungle rules is no. Systematic as a Cubic is Current Trend. A.I is cosy. We had paid the price. Its must accompanied with Holy Spirit and Works. i.e. Light Code and Machine Learning.

IT has high price to win

Which ever come first. It anytime corrupt. Celestial secret. It must accompany with High Economic Activities.
High Banking Transaction for example. From Windows to Apple it not going to work. From West to East applied too. You ask me why? Just too Expensive. No sales.

I am not encouraging combustion engine, and to me Electronic is free. Mass production wont profit. is golden rule. Car market, Germany made, and Japanese made. Right, overhead too high. Same thing as Franchise Starbucks. But there is often Monopoly.

Say No to Reverse Engineering

Infrastructure market different. Its secondary product after all. I meant Celestial is crucial, and we have two kinds parallel. Its about standard and norms. Genesis and Darwin. Its Climate technology of Genetic Technology than Linear. Those beauty has changed. The American Pie. How great thou art..

Or Doraemon? Scale down scale up kind of stuff. This apparently happens. Star wars.

Corona Virus is a warning calls

Once we conquer genetic field we conquer Climate. But in fact the Corona is about Chronic, Leprosy. Its terminal disease ancient. Modern time this can be controlled by medicine. No one can redemption of Corona but underway. Its mortar sin.

Save your family is the Golden Rule to defeat the virus. And redemption yourself.

Key Elements of a Heaven

First of all. We have golden time too. This is no joke. the chronic. We must convert Buddhist monk. This is a breakthrough. Heaven is down to us. No magic. But Placebo. Heaven is placebo.

To sustain we need a burner. Now we have Battery mode. That is established. Clear your own ass. And you will get it free. No catch. Free electronics. Its about Marketing and Slave in the Heaven Just inverting.

Authentic Education is what all about

Yes the Fisher. Thermodynamics. The Blue Sea Strategy, what so called Electronic Free. No way jungle rules, no recon. World War? Pro Cult. With Economic Crisis as for now, Electronic won’t survive. Apple is a marketing itself.

To progression from Corona, Nuclear Weapon, Climate Protocol and Ozone, we ought to redemption those poor by authentic education.

What about Christian Organisation

This is golden rules. We can start a sustainable Organisation to profit from Marketing authentic education. Education is a profitable business after all. 30 times 50 times.

Doctor favour to patient. Teacher favour to sinner. I talk about money. What your breed is what you get. Moore’s Law. What about fig tree?

Application of Moore’s Law?

I said Moore’s Law. Looks.. There come back from Shopping and harvest. I promised. To invent a new medicine for Corona is no necessary but bonus. We can have our immunity in terms of Religion Glorification?

Its placebo. But okay. more jab? 3 times cover 90%. Its a suite instead. combine with topical, and soluble. Guarantee. Just need to be mild. Immunity growth too high and fast response. but comes at price of ageing.

Let’s Build many things in God wills

This how we can conquer the threat of Genetic, Spiritual and Identity. Knock the frog strategy. or Fig tree strategy. Yes Moore’s guarantee. Calvin also guarantees.

Comes to Orientation issue. Its not quantum era. Its conditional. Let’s us build our badge and back to Israel. There are Germans I can see. There are 36 jobs. Israel also called Corner stone. The Geneva +-1 hour, and engineers headquarter.
2nd place is France.

Copycat Marketing is key of Christian Education

Depending on Land and Satellite. This is the 2 key to make Christian. Bad Weather no Christian. Haha Weird Weather then Cult. Poverty no Christian. Poverty attract Islam. Good to all, all to Good. Solitary no Christian.

Christian out to be Scale down and compressed by Satellite. Yes Homogenously. Physically. Electronic is where you make money. No conditional, all are gift. The burner is also called batteries is our own redemption

What so called Christian Budget

Just paid the batteries price. Use as it need. or Storage. up to your budget. Same thing to Christian.

Choose the one you commit. It needs top up. Without batteries, no function. This is electronic business this is Education business.

Pay as you go or Free at crimpled. It always serving. Low production low overhead. There is no economic value at all but historical heritage.

This is old America, and there is new America. To some, electronic is their life. We must move on. Creating more America, and American breed.

Procrastination may not but Stagnant is the key

Its rotational, merry go round. Andrew the next. Until CRTL ALT DEL. Bonus Life. It’s a Crawler. New Era is Slow Pace. Covenant at high price. Personal experience. In Malaysia called Lugi. In Singapore called Kiasu. Which is more Christian? Deed required Speed.

To Build a Church in three days is a Miracle of Jesus. And this has become default. Just required Land and Satellite. Christian Organisation is indeed a Pyramid. Solitary at each level. There is total 10 Boundary, and 10 Live Kings.

The Dark Side of Christian Organisation

Palestine has the same land but Without Satellite. Meant 1 Boundary. 10 Kings is chosen by Lucks and Efforts, Calvinism and Moore’s Some grant with Lucks and Some grant with Strength. And 10 in 1 is the Rank 4 to Rank 6. South East Asia. The C.G. of Crime Syndicate. Draw a circle you will see. That a place of Fasci. Derivative of Speech..

The last is the King. Make senses. They can star gazing. They do their own Carbon dating. Yes, From Mainland. That make their guessing. Lottery. Always 50% This is Casino Mathematics. 51% is winner.

Quantum theory. Monetary theory. Vision Theology. Jesus used 5 loaf and 2 bread. They used 5 lamb and 2 cow. That how they operate. They plot Organised Crime.

Its no bargain. They don’t like threat. So they prefer solitary. I meant no boundary. They doesn’t has Law. No Covenant. They are Solitary but Spiritually connected. in One whole group. Remotely. There are total 2 C.G. in a Pyramid. Its standard. Standard of Anti Shock.

To Raise a Fig Tree

Safety feature in a Building. Not for testing. Its bonus. Not hit the frog but fig tree strategy. Winner. Why raise a fig tree? The happy of a fatherhood. Its the Crabmachine. Amen? Chronicle… One blink of eye.. the small tree has grown.. has grown a big tree, but my fig tree has no flower.. Put a flower on top of it, it got flower then.

That is impossible for fig tree has flower. But if you don’t mind, it grows egg. Plant an egg, and you plant two egg. Stupid! It looks everything good. Everything starts from a seeds and it grows exponentially. Only Premium. The Good land always pay back.

The Semitic Marks

Its about the Land. Everywhere is greens… Bring me to the Green green grass of home.. Sesame Land? Oh Kukutha.. whatever. Geneva has the best land. then Ukraine. Satellite spiritual is conditional. Earth Village is good. One clue is the Olive Tree. Ancestry Home. That called Marks.

Its about ritual. Tattoo.. Tattoo of Satanic. This could trace back. Those stand on which side clearly. Traveller is least. When I spread this is not about building network, but teach you build your own kingdom. What Christian Organisation shall be. e.g. Land based, Protocol Based.

Those without Land i.e. 5G or Dog Badge, and without typing. There must be a big changed. There is no substitution of Best 5G Blackberry. Crispy sound. I bet. The LED screen Ipad phone is a substitution of Desktop.

Prevent New World Order

Its one of the plot of New World Order. Its all start from a Fisher of Therma. What do you like to hear? The Imperialism, the Oriental Democracy. Thou are good guidance. Oriental Democracy is the root cause of New World Order, the Computer Revolution to Multimedia Digital Computing.

Some bad East to West. Some good from West to East. Yes clever. Who cares? Mind your own business. Yes No more windows. No more Search Engine, No more CAD Suite, No more Cheap Boeing. Instead of that, more Graphics, more Comics, and more Emotion Icons.

Righteous Robot vs Evil Robot

And More Evil Robot. Called Snake Robot. like Human. i.e. Android. Crab Robot versus Snake Robot. Crab Robot is a chess Piece. Snake Robot trying to be real human. What catch here?

The Consequences of Fail

Lincoln cast ghost. That’s the reason Oriental Democracy no place for Christian Organisation. We must convert those Monk into Consumer. From Slave Economics to Consumer Economics.

The Federalism and Commonwealth to name a few. The Dark side is Genetic deterioration. And then Climate Change, Famine, Nuclear War Loss of Family and Pandemic. There is Y generation and W generation. Semitic and Jewish.

Calvinism and Jew

We must convert those Jewish as many as you can. Not too late. become Folks… Better right than Anabaptism.

Two type of Jewish. By Calvinism. Where are them? Nude for free. They simply don’t speak love. There is emotion icon. Hebrew??

Caution Fundamentalism may fail. Jesus may fail. In Malay Islam called ‘Sayang’. Japanese ‘Sayonara’.

Surprise or not, there is orientation. There is begin of Heaven and Ending of Heaven too. What your eye level? Its progression. or One take? God made everything at once. That why there is justice exist. Its relatively. One poison one meat.

Entertainer equivalent to Nazi

Their role is entertainer. Who knows… This is true Nazi. No more.. entertainer. Basic Instinct. Netflix expensive arh? Back to square, what you plant is what you get. You plant dishonour, you get fame. you plant suffer, you get athletic body.

You can make a prayer like this.. This is assurance of Christian. precisely. Moore’s law in works.. I said Mary alive. This is the blessing of Christian.

Not two antenna. Anything goes.. Of course that is placebo. Everything has its time. sooner or after. finding a job, a marriage is easy. But maintenance required blindness. Not even Calvinism.

This may be a movie. But those found it may find heaven. And there is U turns. Yes. Called Justification. May change a world history completely.

Confess are those repent

For something there is permanent. Confess, and you get salvation. Must connected. What I care is long terms. 10 years 5 years? Ok, those who confess are those survive.

This is criminology. My Gate is narrow. Also Calvinism. The mere 51%. Card Counting. Yes, Confess is good. Show hand is not good. Never. Easter egg.. Who has wings? Not even Jesus. God left Jesus once. This is shown of Misunderstanding. He doesn’t know what it meant. This is Love. God doesn’t know what is love until Jesus resurrection.

The Righteous Robot

This is the brand new page of Old Testament, Called New Testament. God change from Jehovah to Transformer robot. The nuclear cubic batteries robot. Meant everyone can have it anytime. Yes Transformer is Hybrid Electronic and Nuclear. So its called Life. When these two diplomatic. So we have Civilisation started from River tales. Its important of justification of Genesis.

Those Chosen is lucky. They are Children of God. Then the Beginning is the Middle Called Generation Y. Theoretically. Genesis is a book of Pseudo Science. Pseudo Science is Completely Truth in the Specific Timeline. And Bible is a book of Life and Book of Live. Its cause effect life cycle.

Be the Team Leader

But everything in the Book of Revelation you cannot changed and won’t be changed. That is your version, Bible. Fortunately, less than 45 version. 36 of Jobs to 45 communities. since ancient to modern.

That is perpetual job. Not permanent job. There 36 version of Jesus. More or less. The Star Award important. Its KPI based, who knows. There is a backup role. Multiple roles. You can choose. And you are the team leader. Relatively.

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