Y185. Small talk on Knowledge Economy (Review)

You ask how to find a company? There are 3 types of Money. Interest oriented, Insurance oriented, and Value oriented. Most important is how many years you want to manage and automate.

The Timeline means Finance. To cope with Finance Fluctuation, it is a Risk Management Technique. Same to serve God and to serve Gentile. Serve God you get Insurance, Serve Gentile you get Interest.

For those Capitalist is Serve God. Vice versa. Middle Wealth, Serve Parents. There are IPO, International Bluechip. There are Foundation, Holding Public Service. There are SME, Region Limited Company. Most are Factory. Depend on Product and Services.

The MNC research had comes to dead end. They are 2 types of Technology. Linear Technology and Sophisticated Technology. Linear Technology are those Japanese Stuff. No assurance can make. Its about playing with Benchmark statistic. a.k.a. Pseudo Science. Placebo effect. i.e. Yoyo.

Organic is Linear. One man, then One woman. No extra. Perfection. They aren’t creativity, within Man and Women. Until they met the Serpent and Poisoned. That is Evil Spirit makes the 2nd Generation. That is highest the Sky can made.

For Evil is Ethic. That is also called miracles. I do not encourage evil, but no linear technology and linear story.There are Hardcore and Softcore. This is about abortion. Its no pleasure at all. And that is Climate Stabilised Technology arriving.

Is Germany made? Apparently. Western made thing with Assurance mindset. No Placebo. Compound Tax is high. Fur comes from Sheep. Climate Change and Global Warming.

Is Nuclear Plant same things? That is direct energy okay. No stages and sequence. Could Nuclear Plant Cause Global Warming? Its wont and never. Its about Fusion Reactor. Input and Output equivalent. Called Heat exchanger. It prevents Global Warming.

Instead, those Placebo Machine cause Global Warming. That is about Genetic Technology. Accountable at Benchmark Basis. In another word it is zero works. at Sentiment only.

The Genetic. Its a code. The Matrices. It changes along with Times. Rotational a.ka. Laplace effect. You cannt reverse Genetic, but Recovered i.e. Healing. Its Virtual, mean Time can change it.

So Organic is Placebo, and Genetic is Virtual. Photo?? What the upmost? The Poison apple could kill you. You can try. Because God became Clever. You just need to redemption. God redemption you and/or you redemption yourself.

Its an overhead indeed. What could kill you is overhead. And that is eternal along with time. Don’t about the Bug, its Placebo. Don’t worry about the Virus, its not original nor final. Its Sentiment only.

But Worry about your Present, your mindset, your philosophy value. Its a brick and brick to build up. but collapse with a brick also. The concern is the Placebo Organic. Linear technology. That is no redemption. e.g. Gym, Jogging, Drug (excluding medicine).

Especially Soluble Drug that entering your blood. Topical is no way. It led to your gland and pancreas and Brain instead. Your brain is not final made. Its beta. Its arbitrary. Random but bottom Line and topless. Its linked Universe and Its Biblical, Calibre.

With Limited by Standard or Norms. So in brief, its evolutionary, and Rotational. There is equilibrium. The Stall can hit maximum.

Sentiment. What to say? Its called White Magic. Photo effect. You can take many photo. It could feedback. And play Barbie Doll Jiajiajiu.. One take? or Best Take? Genetic is water., But Lake water. Genetic is water. Dimple. And its nothing.

Micro Atheistic. Its control by public feedback. And yet it controls by your acceptance.
Is the existence image.

The Lego, the Hexagram code. And Logical Code. Octave code i.e. Morse Code vs Hex Code i.e. Cryptography Code. But Self Healing is key. The different of Jewish and Jew.

Two type of Genetic. Both are virtual. Certain Extent enough. Half done Sirloin. Its about the Circuit? Its about L.o.v.e.

After all there are Variety. Its not a mould. Its about “Freed yourself”. Not about Courage, its about Safety. The best upmost Gamble. No need 100%, its narrow gate. homework.

Depend on your venture. Its about venture and do your background homework. Its about justice. The most important thing in the world.

So everyone ought to be saved. The self healing Genetic, and Morse Code. and Climate Protocol and Semitic Law. There is no ceiling. Return and return.

There is Timeline. Two ways oppose. Got your bet. Yes, One greater one smaller. The mission is trying to get everybody on boat.

The boat of Pentecost. We have less than 7×7 49 days. the coming Pentecost day. And every year different.

To hold the diamond is the key to survive. No otherwise. So you have to find your diamond. and double confirm. There is budget. So, there are different diamond. Ruby for example.

There is coke look like diamond. Cocacola. Its your bargain. That is called Rigidity. Cross him cross him… Things aren’t usual. But justice prevail. More rigid now.

So don’t give up. Salvation is conditional, and non specific. My condition is “try one take”. If death is heavy, what else. If you can accept yourself, what arent you cant accept?

That is Benchmark. Arbitrary enough. Everyone is Number 1. Little Bit. What controls the mass?
Its a Sigmoid always. The Corner stone the Laplace. Its always evolution.

Moore’s Law applied on Genetic. You can pray. Those Hardworking are genius. Not the other way round. What catch? Foreign land. Practise 1000 times than hit. Sure win.

Yes, Its called Fatalism. The XiChu Ba Wang. After all, its Lego code. Those belong to Morse code has eternal life. Meant from Hex to Oct.

Theoretically there are rival. So I said there are 2 time line. There is no ceiling for Boiling point.
This is just analogy of modern. Biblical there are 1:5000 ratio. That called Advertisement Law.
Why is that so? There are alot Civilisation, i.e. Alot of timeline.

If you follow Semitic Law, then you are a Christian. The Alpha Omega Timeline. If you don’t follow Semitic Law. You maybe follow the Roman Law. The Catholic Law. That is A-Z timeline.

There is visually I can see these two timeline acceptable. Other timeline may stop halve way.
But these timeline is more lengthen.

This is Criminal Law point of View. And tolerance. To illustrate, I may use the Social Bonding. There are only three categories. Social Harmony, Social Chaos, Social Disorder. Its Religionism, then Socialism, and Capitalism. In which Capitalism, you cant connected. and solitary after time.

Of course at the cost of Social Security. Give and take. So make few variation of tactics. Practical, Theoretical, Experimental, Lucks, and Application.

The Famous Seven eleven. Its about Risk management. No true or False. The best bet make orientation. Of course Biblical is the said. Why always bible? You may asked. There are no more than 45 version of selective of Bible.

And Each version define a Communities. Its plot, exactly. But I would say its live. Its not destiny but fatalism as I proof its more or less.

45 version meant 36 character in terms of Job casting and extra. Not mould, all are organic. The Ultimate mission is election people. all the point to Escort to Heaven.

There are 4 version of Bible is premium. Yes, there are ranking. Depend on the Sigmoid. So we are not passive or slave. Its spiritual connected, and socially connected. by Law. There are covenant. Invisible law. Those can make financially guarantee. Not Jungle rule which is Throw Sea. Called the Burner.

Its equivalent. What I said the seeking of diamond. There are ruby. So the Law force Us become Christian. And the derivative of Law, i.e. Gospel attract us to become Christian. The children of Law is Gospel. Of course for those Election people, will be forced by Law. Hence suffering occur. Its about War to define Election, after all. There is protestant.

They want Capitalism and Serve Money. Good and Bad. But that is the schism of Genuine and False. Regardless of Law, they would anti Gospel. So called Anti Christ.

That is the Prophecy. As well as Assurance. For those accept Gospel has Eternal Life. And freedom of Bad lucks.

In other word is Good lucks always. There is Bottomline. Why? Under the same Law of Minimum Radiation of Protons. the Photon of Darkness. Enough of Natural Science.

There is energy in the darkness. so called Evil Spirit. It may comes to max when Supernova.

What so called Evil Spirt and Holy Spirit is the freezer. That is Supernova I bet. Blur.. Bingo. Those Half Done Sirloin. There is assurance of salvation. And assurance of prayer That is called Pivot Law i.e. Game Theory.

The Law of Ferries Wheel. Pork??? There is Shaolin Monk. Called Practised Make Perfect. Don’t read Book, but Memorise book.

So Shaolin Soccer means Robot Soccer. Ancient Time, Luohan is Robot. I meant Pivot Law, the Game Theory is for Genuine Christian. Assurance of Prayer. The Law of Ferries Wheel.



Ah Bek jigi小孩子就要多加注意。不可以有太多的免疫力。不可拿拐杖。。不然就从东大门进。。这是要让你知道,人权,讨价还价筹码。


所有的病因都是因为吃猪肉引起的。。结论!而犹太民族包括利末人(爱尔兰人)更是不能吃猪肉。这是主要解释从医学角度,是因为有机生物链的Generation Q.

阿Q精神凡是 Generation Q的不能碰!!教坏人Generation Z okay. Those Futuristic. No plato. Sugar Daddy你吹靠真本事,才是好汉!很难得啦。。要 Switch.

这叫做运气。。Ban Luck. 21 点15,16 不够。Those Youth is Generation Q. a.k.a. Generation Omega. Generation A are those Folks. Generation Z are those Mature. Generation Y are those Baby Boom. And the Blood make the range. There no grey area, its linear.

Mount East, Mount West. Its about the Mountain Offset i.e. Geothermal. Make Social Bonding. Valley is Industry Park. Grass Land is Financial Centre. The Island. The Mount is Mafia Hospital. Its same kind same ethnic gathering, the norms.

Go valley you can grab virgin. And MNC recruit Tie Worker. Grass Land, is Florida. The NASA HQ. Near Texas. There are Thaab Anti Missile. Why? Anti Semitic Land is Grass Land. Because of the Mummy. Those semitic are often extreme high paid. Take note.

Organised Company. SME. Working like Ox. Money slave is what Nazi persecute for them. The Mafia on Mount are those Stranger. They group as a cluster, and became as Alliance. or Unions. Best Hospital in Hongkong, Best Bank in Singapore, Best R&D in Taiwan. Its Land choose people. Vice versa.

This is Quantum Science, the Earth Science. Social Science make the Climate. Climate change is Social Crisis. To save Climate is to save Nuclear. Nuclear alleviated Global Warming. Social Harmony is Global Warming. Economics Activities is not always demanding.

To some Good, to some health is upmost. Called GNP, Gross National Product per capita. The Health Index. Yes All Cubic. But Laplace Misplace. Is Truth limited by Geographical. Western and Asia Scale differently. Its about Scaling.

The Music and Medicine. The Heaven and Earth. But One World is One system. There is Orientation of 5 and even 6. Mere a little make different.

From West to East. The Grass Land to Valley. Financial Centre is West, Industry MNC is East. Called Commonwealth Colony in after WWII.

Thats the reason behind Tsunami Conspiracy. To create Economic Crisis. By Pandemic. By Promote Digital Economy. By Strengthen Crude Oil Economy. Ultimately, other than Credit Rating. It’s about wrestle about Patents. Its the key of Christianity Evolution to False. and the Evil take over the world.

The Mission is to Promote Freedom of Law extend to everyone. Baptism the Whole World with Cult. And become Monster World. Guard the Climate Protocol guarded the World.

The France Paris Climate Treaty is all about. And France President holding a big crab.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.