Y187. Small talk on Politics (Census)

Is that the true democracy? There are western and oriental democracy, which filter foreign sentiment and foreign philosophy.

Which is Popularism ban Foreign Philosophy. And Imperialism ban Foreign Sentiment.

Popularism oppose Christian. Imperialism oppose Christian too. Christian Philosophy on Fundamentalism is banned in United States since WWI, WWII..Public said Forbidden Fruit. Secretly Take..So we have Elvis Presley. Mamak is UN anyway.

Sri Lanka is Mamak, the Agnostic Islam. Involved in Fundamentalism in 90’s the first satellite in Malaysia Launched the Astro. Boom alot of Intellects. Its believed major Think Tank of 911 Terrorism.

So the dirty News of UN. Its related to the Pentecostal Movement. The Economy Body was believed hiding in Taiwan Chinese Church.

Economy Conspiracy, one of that is Digital Economy i.e. New World Order. And the Funding is holding in between Malaysia Singapore Straits.

The booming. It could be the Mafia or Terrorism Funding.

The Organisation structure is formed within Taliban, and Neo Nazi then Chinese Communist.

All are Organised Crime. Which span United States, Singapore, Malaysia. There are prioritised. For Justice embedded with Eyes. But, first come first serve basis.

I am not teaching you how to do FBI. But I have my standard. Especially to meet Semitic Human Right. Give and Take try not extreme.

World might fool, but I am crazy. Next is dealing with Climate Conspiracy. Again same people.

This is no Crime disruption, its a mind blowing game to prevent Disaster.

Its funny…

– Cough..-

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