Y189. The Journey of Life to Oriental (Broadcast)

A. Fasci Mafia, Telecom, C Language (Oracle, Database) Quantum Router, Windows (Accounting) Satellite 4G, Electromagnetic, (4per) Trinity (Alpha to Omega, Date back)
Quantum: Spiritual World 属灵世界 (the Words the Truth) i.e. Holistic (Whole Solar System)
Cause and Effect the Law to Love (Food Contest)(Oriental Contest)
The International the Scholar (Republican a.k.a. Nationalism)(KMT)(WHO)
爱 Love
The Promised Land (Four Gospels, Islam, Fundamentalism, Anglican)(Developing Country)
Satan: Create Job Obstacle as well as War
Man of Sins: Curse more Wandered Lamb.
36 type Job Avatar: Sanctification i.e. Baptism, Salvation of Family and Wandered Lamb. Choose their Perpetual Job i.e. Steel Bowl

B. Neo Nazi Organised, Post Office, C# (Python, Solver) Analog Telegram, Android (Sale) IoT 5G, Electrical, (5per) Multi-theism (A to Z, A.D.)
Pentecost: Virtual Reality World 感官世界 (the Physics the Defect) i.e. Homogeneous (Whole Galaxy)
Credit Oriented the Prophecy the Righteous (Pageant Contest)(Pureland Contest)
The Hierarchy the Capitalist (Democracy)(Developed Urban)(NASA)(WWF)
望 Hope
The Oriental (Revelation, Buddhism, Episcopal, Eastern Orthodox)
Devil: Create End World and Steal Credit of Heaven by New World Order.
False Christ: Economic Tsunami.
Real Self: Glorification i.e. Victory, Preach the Gospel & Victory Theology to Earn Credit.

C. Nazi Cult, Internet ISP, C++ (Swift, Computation) Digital Modem, Apple (Marketing) Cable 3G, Electric, (2per) Atheism (Holy Spirit, B.C.)
Biblical: Parallel World 平行世界 (the Graphics the Fact) i.e. Individual (Whole Planet)
Miracle & Liberal (Natural Contest)(Promised Land Contest)
The Earth Village the Leader (Communism)
信 Faith
The Utopia (Minor Prophets, Hinduism, Pentecostal, Catholic)(Third World)(UN)(NATO)
Serpent i.e. The Beast: Lure Forbidden Fruit i.e. Wisdom.
False Prophet: Promote Public Ministry as well as Pandemic.
The Favourite Idol: Justification i.e. Re-orientation, Serve God Ministry with/without Ante.

*Journey of Life, Start from C->A->B, May skip C for Semitic Generation Y. May skip A for Baptised Christian. C is the Terminal Heaven.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.