Y193. 新加坡为什么选择黄循财?(Bulletin)

Try One take..That is not Final. But that is Journey. That depends on group and individuals. Good Foundation not important, but good Pillar.

Look at Malaysia, we have a Strong Pillar, that link up East and West Job Communions in Technology e.g. Conceptual Car Architecture, Conceptual Computer Architecture.

Of Course Singapore has the Edge on Core Technology e.g Wafer Fabrication, and Shipyard Welding. In which despite the Fulfilment Sales Profit priority than Revenue Sales Interest. Yes, Bonding Profit greater than Investment Interest. That is at the cost of being as a Communist Styled Economics and Civilisation progression.

The Accounting Myth as well as Politics Myth. The Oriental Democracy and Rockie. Don’t Serve Slave, Serve Boss.

Build Satellite, dont build Phone. This is Red Sea Strategy. It is called Solution Provider. Not Accessory Provider. A joke as liked “Communist shall Wins if they are support ‘Exodus’. “

不搞基础建设搞科技,这样共产型经济国家必定胜出。这是次序问题,Back to the norms。



(Royalty to [“马荷加尼” 郑丁贤])


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