Y199. Villain of Covid-19 Pandemic (Journal)

Villain of Covid-19 Pandemic

Devil/Dragon (The Breath the Scale, the Watchdog), Racial Riot

Beast/Antichrist/False Christ (The Sculpture the Bug, the Genius), Sex Slave

Satan (The Sculpture the Bugs, the Genius) – (Standalone), Word Prison

Demon/Serpent (The Breath the Scale, the Watchdog) – (Standalone), Colony

Man of Sins/Man of Lawlessness/Son of Perdition (The Blood the Blueprint, the Musician) – (Standalone), World War

False Prophet (The Blood the Blueprint, the Musician), Terrorism

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will received, and your joy will be completed. (John 16:24)

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