Y2. The Remedy of Covid-19 Pandemic

Best Bet, the Covid-19 Remedy are with Japan, believe it or not. Its Olympic in Japan.

What are the remedy?

For Specific Person remedy, there are AIDS Cocktail Treatment, if not apply those Natural Remedy. e.g Home-based Expensive Cocktail Treatment.

For Conditional Group remedy, there are Logistic Management, if not apply Commuting Pseudo Science Theorem. e.g. Shared load.

For the Population remedy, there are Cushion Effect of Mask, if not apply Population density management. e.g. Martial Law.

We are more valuable than Japanese, if Japan Victory, we will victory too. Amid high number and unaccountable fatal cases but peace of mind, especially for medical staff, you could had immune.

It is to highlight, mass quarantine is violate humanity acts, its prohibited to abuse. It is recommend mass communities use Chinese medicine,  It is apparently shown why China able to quickly recovery from this pandemic. Noted to Herbal treatment, although it is too mild for specific case.

On the other side, Vaccine control is effective to conditional group, it is the ‘cause and effect’ medical treatment.

The pandemic comes to blockage, when adapting to right anti viral methodology even the hardest time ahead, God with us all. Amen.

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