Y200. The Calvinism, Nazi Defeat day and Mother Day Festival (Bulletin)

Can you imagine a day without the Star? Yes. Star is the Twitter. And Mother is just a much as like a twitter.

Today, the mother day is significant the Nazi defeat day. And good or bad, Nazi is like a mother of all evil. I worship the stars and mother of all stars, the star dust.

Just like Christian worship the Cross. When the day Jesus become Cross, Mary become Star. there are so many. In fact some are dead star.. For Guardian of Angel will say good bye to us one day. So as Mary the supernova.

For Star is temporary but Light is Forever until the Receiver. We are in quantum era, and star dust is forever to us. When the star dust become asteroid, its end of the world, the only option now.

For we victory over earth disaster of all kinds. Its remarked until we solve the Education issue. Its the victory of individual and group and yet. Say good bye to Star, and become to Cross one day.

He said my Cross is light and easy. I can see that, its placebo. I can see that, its placebo. The 2nd time Jesus is combinative. Alpha Omega A-ZIts taste of life. There is story framed.

But you will never know what you do. But only confession and acceptance. That is upmost crucial. That is called Calvinism.

Don’t blind confession but blind acceptance. Risk is gain.

The Forgiveness of All man kind start from forgive your mother. And this is Calvinism too.

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