Y202. End World Backup – Clear Stage Planning (Whitepaper)

Plan A. Continental, Eden Garden (Nation Wide)Biblical Genetic
This account about 50 Percentile of Global Population.
Pro: Eliminate Epidermic (St Joseph) vs False Prophet i.e. Devil the Dragon
Con: Communism Economics is Politics Revolution, and this is no Human Right.

Moderna mDNA (Anti Epidermic)
Honda Hybrid (Anti Tsunami)
Apple 6G Meta Universe (Anti Terrorism) – Information Encyption

Society Track Network, Pyramid SME Scheme, Nazi (Devil Epidermic)
2028′ Flight to South America

Plan B. Oriental Express, Advent City (World Wide)Pentecost Digital
This is for those Folks and Wealthy to get the 1st Train to the Heaven.
Pro: Eliminate Terrorism (Transformer) vs True Jesus i.e. Serpent the Beast
Con: Capitalism Economics is Economy Revolution, and this is no Justice.

AZ Vector Vaccine (Anti Epidermic)
Dyson Electrical (Anti Tsunami)
Windows 5G All Time Events across Geography (Anti Terrorism) – Information Overload

Geography Segment Network, Neighborhood F&B Scheme, Fasci (Serpent Terrorism)
2022′ Train to China

Plan C. Great Eastern, Upside down World (International)Quantum Machine
This is for those youth and Righteous to get the Last Train to the Heaven.
Pro: Eliminate Tsunami (Sea Gull) vs False Christ i.e. the Man of Sins the Fox
Con: Nationalism Economics is Culture Renaissance, and this is required Righteous.

Pfizer Anti Body (Anti Epidermic)
Tesla Electronic (Anti Tsunami)
Windows 4G Satellite Moderated Conversation (Anti Terrorism) – Information Censored

Job Sector Network, Hierarchy MNC Scheme, Neo Nazi (Satan Tsunami)
2035′ Submarine to Australia

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.