Y204. Two Type of Christian Schism 两种基督徒分歧 (Forum)

动刀者,死于刀下今天谈谈,流行的Covid-19 与强奸鸡奸拐带!在这里,我们做个大胆的假设非谋杀处理。这是Criminology 犯罪学,到此为止。得业者,得荣耀!有新宝藏,和旧宝藏。。得业得天下,并却得丰盛。


Freezer Point is 105Celcius. 好椑子与坏椑子分开的时候。。像一阵风。。Are a Christian? There would had a split.

Dont waste time. For true Christian, if no rich don’t go church. Just do ministry will do. For beginner, please devotion to church. You may find what you wants exchange with your time and spending.

Time is not early, we must get there as soon as possible. The Ministry of God Kingdom. Or course, some may argue building a Utopia instead up side down world. Thats the different of Islam and Christianity. Islam differ in Evil and Righteous.

Christians differ in God Kingdom or Utopia. Heave and Earth. Its accumulating. Not one take. Not 3 take either, same analogy. All of these comes to Alpha Omega Timeline. There are A-Z timeline. End Loops or Goes start. Eden Garden i.e. Earth Village or God Kingdom i.e. The Renaissance Palace. Remarks. Islam is Moral relativity, now we understand. The Law maker. Christian Law is known as Covenant. Police is no necessary.

There are repels in each religion. So how we group people in cluster, segment and sector. This is politics, after all. And its depend on Nature too.

Celestial. Celestial determine Politics. There can be 3per, 4per, 5per.. goes on. Some times its 4per sometime its 3per. There is fade. It would be the God Kingdom victory, if no miracles. That the plot very important.

It would be a Colony movie. Or Encrpyted Message RPG. Meta Universe. Its the civilisation evolution. The Strategy is Risk Management game. There are Game of Risk, Game of Relativity, Game of Deviation. BlackJack (Risk), Baccarat (Deviation), Poker (Relativity), Roulette (Pivot).

All are money making strategy. Rollette is (Pivot Game). This is the Cult doesnt want to let you know. Please dont claim the assurance by Jesus name. God will not play dice. Money is risk and gain. Its no assurance. Its modular.

But Word of Bible is not Modular. Its Canonical. Stand on the solid ground and firmly. You will be a farmer, and there will be harvest. Its about food. not money. That what true poverty cares.

Either money, called Either Money. Modular. Never pursue that. Its gaming and entertainment or school. Church is not school. Church is a precious and holy land. An Empty Organisation.

You alone can be a church. Its full of miracles as well as Science. Its more than Just educating. Its a Bank. Bank of intellectual property. So Church can give you honour but not library or school. and you gain wisdom at your ownself.

There is a book called U version Bible. and Utube. Its called Tailor. The Dragon Inn. Calling you now. Wake Up!! Zero ‘0’ When you start listen your own radio your own movie don’t be surprise. You had win over the Love.

Its the transition from your Village to connect to International. Because the next is Satan. He want to Tempt you back to ur comfort zone. The blind age of calibre.

Those semitic may skip these. God acknowledge Semitic. If you under testing of marriage, please be true of yourself. There is true calibre. If you failed of calibre youself, you can trust to others. This foundation valueble, because its orientated.

Yes we are all tools of God. You have to recognised that, acceptance of your good works or bad works. That called Bill Gate. If no recognisation of ur own good works, then no awarded spiritual Body. Just Do it!! One brake is cosy.

All of the Journey called Faith, the Stream of Dessert. That is to redeem your own Soul!! In God hand. True Faith comes from God. The Gut feel is not.

Comes to 2nd Part of Christian Journey. You will connected international. The Angelic part now. You will turn to A-Z timeline. The Goes Start timeline. Yes The Great Schism of Repentance. You will be Tempted back to Dark Age.

There 2 kind of repentance. One is Reborn. One is Justified. The great things is here. You are on the Goes Start time line. In other word, you are in viscous space. Prompt decision making. Partially freedom. Everything happen for unlucky.

And you dilemma find your God. The Generation Y. This is Alienic make you tempt. The Satan the Fox. You will discover UFO, Alienic Gadget, weapon. Those are tempted you going to re-calibrating.

If you in mainstream percentile those high calibre. Called Anti Semitic. In Unite States special, they are Anti Tau. Which is damn good justice.

In this 2nd part journey, you ought to find your own corner host. Seeking your steel bowl. Secure Power and Guard your own duty is upmost. Duty is power.

Amplify your power by increase duty, this is called Love. i.e. Passion. Yes Love is lite. 2 way. Goes start is upmost. Once you find your multiple duty then proceed next part. This is the Junction.

There are Buddhist Way and Islam Way. Prior to each other. This is the Buy stage. Haha Not the past work but buy your future.

Money part. A bunch of ticket to heaven. Teach african how to fish. You will meet Heresy Disciple. Called Beast. There are Self Studied, Bishop based. Into Islam Front End and Buddhism Back End.

Self Studies Funding is thru Marketing. Bishop Based Funding is thru Prayer Devotion. And the Funding determine the Capital of Heaven.

Traits and Trends is upmost. Money is modular. Righteous important. Improtus. This is called Hope. Hop. Just forget about that. And Justice is the Righteous. Same. Highlight that Deviation is upmost here.

The away from ranking and benchmark. This is true Wealth. 3 in 1 modular wealth. There are 7,8,9,10,11 Class. Seven Eleven. In which, there differ in chaos. This is called Quantum Monetary. Modular. 3 Measured.

Yes its life. Heart Beat. Organic and Derivative so called. Robust and Sensitivity and Automatic. True Wealth. There is regulator. omg.

Its spinning around the Isotope. For those follow wont be perished. For Diamond is forever.

Three are Diamond, Coke and Calcium. First is God plot, Second is determined by the Spiritual Power. Yes Calcium is also Miracle too. Calcium and Diamond is good complementary. Either the Coke and Diamond. Calcium is very sensitive to Time. It is the next generation Bionic Chipset. or Rolex. 3 Cases!! Only 2 Cases. Errata

Something got to die… 几分耕耘几分收获。。千万不要当真!人生如戏,戏如人生。。谁笑我痴我笑谁狂。。唯一不变的就是那永垂不朽的冲动!滴酒不沾是骗人的。。人在江湖不可少了美酒。。本是同根生,相煎何太急。。少了美酒,就不完美了。。有人为你撑腰,谁为我撑伞?


每个都是饭桶。知不知道发生什么事?根据可靠分析,我们遭受了最严峻的疫情。这不难从狭义角度看世界。。正义受到强烈的冲击。。尽管我们还不至于经济衰退。可是这是叫经济停滞。Economic Stalled。就是吃老米。地球村


榕树种在台湾。基督教异端始于洗礼派天主教,到加尔文法国,到成功派台湾。就是五旬教。吃苹果的五旬教。这是事实,非事实的全部。。Its just partial of it.

基督教的根基在于Speak of Tongue. 译作,说方言。。分门别类,方言主要有四大科。牛肉。。猪肉鸡肉,和羊肉。I talk food. 就是说五旬派由四种混合成五种。就是两大派。即灵恩派 vs 五旬派。就是Colony vs Independent.

林肯1800‘s 解放黑奴。。英女王1900’s 解放南洋。首阶段的冷战,泰国半岛被殖民。翁山淑枝是象征性的失败。不用去猜。。


而扮演反派的灵恩派,是主要的资金收入。这无行成为主流经济阴谋!!数码经济 vs 新世界次序推动地球村纳粹的进程。。

居家办公转移世界工厂。塑造新以色列新东方等等等。。恐怖主义,海啸阴谋,男同婚姻女权,碳排放协议,金字塔帝国主要64, AIDS, 911, 311, Covid-19, Job crisis, Climate Crisis, Nuclear Crisis. 一条龙。。这不是一个人,是一群人。。

The politics is related to economics, in which geography, demography, culture bind. Its about cluster, segment and sector. Where the cluster is undesirable, common sense. But you cant get rid of it, but accept the norms.

When it goes too high, the economics system become stalled. That scenario could be like epidemic or pandemic. In order maintain the equilibrium state. There must be driving force to push down the economic booming.

Its the Nationalism Economy. Now you understand why.. The objective is create PANDEMIC OR EPIDEMIC. correct me if I am wrong.

The secure plan is to expelling. Remove the channel of Creating Earth Village. This is bug of terrorism. Stop defending, you will carrying your own cross. Can burden distributed? Name is cheap. I support Human Right. Godaddy…

Okay. Communism Economics i.e. Oriental Democracy is appropriate for Small Country. In which to compensate the high overhead. Chinese called 凳子骑。

But if you are Tall, then these is to attract more taxes. Its an idiot way to build a building within 3 months. Its not computer strategy games afterall.

What we need for infrastructure is Logistic system, ie. Neural Network. The “Waze” Navigation App. To remove the 5G Radar is not the wise way. As many as possible.

Communism is not for Developing country but Developed country. There must be a contesting environment, to be justice.

In view the United Nations, they are purely a Oriental Democracy way ruler. Dictatorship is not offend. This a ruler in our heart. No need argue.

The entire motive is to Terrorism, purely. In other word is the ultimate strategy plan to defect the righteusness.

And All Orthodox Religion. By?? Earth Village i.e. Remote Works. and reverse 5G. Yes Headlines news, Reverse 5G. I have to speak louder, this is a scam for Riches. They are the Bitcoiner player.

Appear in Ebay. And they are in the Small Country. And they are live in cluster. Singapore or Malaysia??? Asian Food, Western Food, Malay Food.. aha. How is culture differ? In terms of authentic.

Yes. Diaspora. The Tangshan. The Mamak?? Whatever. Its Beast. Conquering the World. 60’s Stuff? Yes, Dark Face. Mana lagi?

United States. Diaspora Aboriginal Jude. American Indian. Its beast. The NATO Army. The pre-requiresite is Local. No Green Card. Whatever, its liberal land. freedom. Its God made Freedom.

The next is Australia. Anzaz Army. Reject Islam. Opps. So It yield a Culture of Silk Road. Despite Geography polar reason, there are rich in Holy Spirit. It sound optimistic prior to global warming. Yes its active reason not passive. The breath of Air, and combustion activities.

Escalated the Civilisation. Which promote the diversity of land, and people. Its Man made Freedom.. Its sure win plot. Multiverse required.

I meant the Communism Earth Village transform to Communism Utopia. If and only Pentecost could did that. Another excemption. Wings… Taiwan aboriginal. Siao liao.. Passive Migration Policy. much aliked Green Card.

But Pentecost too. But Active Pentecost. It might last minute change. Just required a rooting. i.e. change of social structure, from ordered to chaos. 灌水

Sector to Cluster. in China. For its Suburb link. Suburb link meant Sector-ised. And City link meant Segment-ised. Nationalism 天下 Capitalism 天上。

China has progress from Communism to Capitalism since 80’s Era. Alpha Omega Timeline China and A-Z Timeline Taiwan.

The different is within Culture Renaissance. Which is brew and yeast. One China. Opposite to Taiwan Nazi, its toward Buddhism.

Taiwan is derivative themselves as Utopia. Its the progression of Economics from Algriculture to Literacy to Culture. In which Culture Renaissance is what we seek. hai.. Its complicated.

Utopia is meant Zero Crime. Cry face.. The answer. The Ah Q spirit make realistic. The Generation Y and Generation Q, differ in Pentecost. Mathematic vs Science differ in Light Code, Moses Code and Hexagram Code Hexagram Code is called Charismatic Church.

Moses Code is Called Pentecost Church. And Light Code called Fundamentalism Church. There are 2 Light Code or 3 Light Code. Its depend on the Repel Angel. The Satan repentance.

Other words, the Advent of Jesus. Make the Fundamentalism Church and Eastern Orthodox into One Union.

The Peace Treaty of Ukraine and Russia. De-Nazi-ism of Ukraine. Without this, No hope. Of course, this is not the only condition of Jesus Advent. But Fundamentalism Church cannot be Charismatic Church Speak of Tongue.

In brief the foundation of church is build on speak of tongue, no doubts. and it differ in Logical or Emotion. Bonding to Personal Needs or Bonding to Human Wills. I assume Human Wills is God wills here. And Apprarently to me, Ukraine make the Schism of Eastern Orthodox. This is Satanic.

My Church Endervour will put into strengthen the Eastern Orthodox Church from Fallen.

This is our (Human Kind) and Biblical Last Hope. Let find out more about Satanic, and the Breath of Satan as well.

This message must be copyrighted. Shall not reprodure or hiding. Our Job is not to Stop the Breath (Funding), but Repent the Satan. Let the Good and Bad growth.

There is a sure way to win over Satan which is forgiveness. There is only Love can reverse the Spiritual. The Repel Angel team. There is no worst case but worser.

Look at the bright side, this is overacts. The Ukraine war has defeated. Russia is not in schism. Lets have funs.. Where my foot.. Nice story.. Well, it had to be you. As far as I know is here.. Taiwan is the rootcause. United States and Australia immune.

China is safe. Korea has hope. Russia has to be Backpack. Ukraine has all the edge comes from United States and Australia. Bill charged to Taiwan. Hundred year one Peace. aha this is seems like a Imperial Academy. Yes, I follow.

Not by Emotion not by Personal erotic. But Constitution and Law from Buckingham. That the only source we can trust with. Other than that is lucky Law and lucky constitution. despite it is man made or God made.

We have our dignity of respect, not to invite us, but we will move. You are Isolatary. United States and Australia. It is the plot of me also, in fact.

United Kingdom lead Country must catch up. Its about this timing. Now and Forever. The Break in to 5G. There you go.

Islam and Asean Country must wake up. You are in my watch list. Colony Chinese is dead penalty. haha… Stick to United Kingdom my advice.

Nazi is Buddhism, by Light Code. I don’t know… Will not make this happen.

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