Y205. Pacific Rim Scale enough be Heaven Closure? (Post)

让大事化小,小事化无。总结。问题有五个标准。In summary, there shall be 5 standard, and issues. In Imperial point of view, as well as Capitalism and Religionism.

In which Capitalism is in Micro scale, and Religionism is in Macro scale.

64 tiananmen. Taiwan-China diplomacy regarding the Pentecost, Convenant vs Ritual. 30 years now, its loopholes for many Foreigner inclu Western, taking Advantage. Promote the Convenant is 势在必行。信者得救。Salvation by Faith alone more than enough. In fact, there are many ways in replacing faith alone.

This is the foundation to laid out the “speak in tongue”. 这是一个中国,十二个生肖的愿景。如果你知道我说什么。。”I beg your pardon?”

Next.. “513” Islam Renaissance Diplomacy. The colony of Asean. 建立,东南亚自由贸易合作. Its an Embarassing.

Next.. 911.. Building the Upside down world. The Floating Sky City. Its the Economy Conspiracy between two Politic Boundary, Korea and DPRK Korea. whereby the Israel destroyed by these Economy Conspiracy of Anti Semitic. And where the Funding of pillar of all kind of disaster.

But the major driving force from Covid-19. Germany and Russia Battle. Apparent to me. Its where the Schism of Russia Eastern Orthodox Church comes. blame to Repel angel team. Prevent Change of Spiritual.

True Love vs Agape vs Plato Japan 311. the religionism objective of Ticket to heaven. Climate Conspiracy, a.k.a. Carbon Climate Protocol.

5 Standard. 64 vs 513 vs 911 vs 2019 vs 311

Its the Buckingham job to promote the plot. of course and this is the job of Russia and Nato Army too.

I climb higher, can revealed some here.

Its about accounting. Population census and Pschology. Its involve with India and Bhutan Battle too. International Politics. It is about Quantum Isotope.

Create another quantum isotope, which can be the pivot. True Love, Agape or Plato. (sillicon) graphic calculator vs (quart) financial calculator vs (bionic) accounting calculator.

It ought to certified. Simply are we well prepare for the Advent. This is the repel angel team disrupt the spiritual world. Dark or white magic inregardless.

What I want to highlight is again the Covid-19 replication. Either goes Germany and Russia Battle. Inregardless you agree or not. Its proof it is not only a mutation and also a replication persistancy. Either of which not valid. financial is isotope.

Sequencer calculator. the financial. + and – Priority is the Accounting calculator. The multiply and division priority is the Scientific calculator the graphic cal. Its still a question mark of the validity of accounting calculation.

It must comes with heat sink. I meant the masak calculator is not true accounting calculator. The rate must not fixed. Its arbitary or reflection not established. Its the timing to set the standard.

To close the closure of 5G encryptography issue.

What are those 5 standard, I have cross up.

1. The FBI Blueprint which is the Cure of Covid-19 from mDNA.

2. Israel diplomacy, the Economic Conspiracy of 911, the Digital Economy disruption.

3. NASA Climate Protocol. Zero carbon Combustion vs Culture Renaissance. Japan 311.

4. Semitic Reconciliation, Chinese, Islam, for Economy Breakthrough the 64 tiananmen.

5. 513. The Asean Free Trade, a.k.a. Independent of Chinese Monetary from Islamic.

Long time ago… Chinese is the target of Islam. and Until today, they have Law in China, to gain the autonomous States. This serious disrupt One China Vision. The Seeking of Ancestry.

This campaign called Islam Renaissance. Myanmar war, Vietnam war, Xinjiang Rehab Camp, Hongkong Democracy Protest.

They applied the Shariah Law toward Chinese Investor. And this mixed with Mafia Charismatic Church and Terrorism Fund.

Due to this, they are many of Chinese force became Colony of money God.

Bankruptcy rank or Poverty rank. They are western power support Xinjiang its complicated too.

The Earth Village & Digital Economy Disruption is the backbone of Islam Renaissance. i.e. Remote Works. This is the selection of best talents and rule out them. Yellow Bull Strategy.

Of course give and take. Abraham.. 5 Standard and one moderator. Break in to 5G. The Anti Terrorism Era. Capture the True Terrorist Mastermind.

Its City Link. Meaning Fully Capitalism and Fully Democracy. and 5G is Wifi Radar. Its the Smallest and the Largest. It recept from and to Mar.

The One people one earth. Stop the Blackhole permanently, when we are closed to the Solar.

The Scale is One Positive and one Minus. Scale is scare right? What define the scale is the isotope. In which form a rotation speed.

The Laplace. The Love, the laplace, the stream of time, until the repel angel come back to team.

93.3% to 100% prophecy. Its not wise to expel the repel angel but attract them back.

In which how the spiritual world formed.

Next stage is the world without angel but angel incarnated to become man and women. So the Dead ressurection become living body. Alien become Creature. Depend on the scale, what I mentioned.

There could be 3 head 6 nose. It mixed and combinations of alien DNA. The journey to the west 西游记 well document.

Everywhere different era in terms of culture. Its segmented geographically.

There are ah Y and ah Q. aja aja Define the geography the edge of world. Its a number, the 2200km. The Pacific Rim. The born of Jesus and Advent. Check map.

The Map define the scale of heaven. In which reflect how we progress now.

It also an indicator of advent timing. Its a wrong step to start a war without this consideration.

This is the 5 standard and one moderate with keyhold of heaven size.

I think it well suffice to start the proper tactics. 锄大地。

Nothing else at this moments.

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