Y206. Charismatic Wave Insight 灵恩运动解说 (Broadcast)

What are the traits of Pentecost and Charismatic? Its between the Faith and Gut Feel.
Risk Management vs Psychology Judgement

To project these into the Language code, it become to..

Cubic Words vs Stream Words
Macro code (Parallel)(Emotion) vs Micro code (Series)(Tactics)
Poem articles vs Knowhow articles
Terrorism Motive vs Conspiracy Plot
Sport Commentary vs Cooking Commentary

Two type of Spirit.
龟毛 vs 机车
龟毛求茈 vs 古董机车
Holy Spirit Pentecost vs Evil Spirit Charismatic

The different is within tolerated 差别在,排他
This is called Islamic Colonisation. The Charismatic Wave. 这叫做,回教殖民运动, 也叫做灵恩运动。

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