Y210. No Sale no Knowledge Economy (Review)

What you know, is how you learned. Who you know is why you here. How you do, is who you love. Why you love, is how you need.

Is not what you know, its who you know. Its not who you know, its how you do. Its not how you do, its why you love. Love is all about. Its burden and power. Finance is all about.

So, what is financial law all about? Its Islamic Law. Shariah Law. Just give and take. Money is modular, after all.
I am not promoting Economic Conspiracy Funding. In fact that is long term loss. And I am not reject the Knowledge Economy.

In fact Knowledge is cash commodity. Today knowledge not applicable to another time frame or geography. Its your knowledge after all. By how much you belief and reject.

Anonymous comes. There is no yield to prison knowledge. Its Devil act, to oppose knowledge economy.
Covenant has there. Don’t worry. We have Human Right protect. Its covenant. Christian Law is by Covenant. Not by Jungle Rules.

Stop compare other Religion to Christianity. It can only be supplementary. Covenant is Holy Spirit. Holy not secular.

That’s the remark to proof God. On the other bright side, Sales is all about Knowledge Economy.

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