Y215. The Metamorphosis Virus (Forum)

Today, I don’t want you to know many things, but one thing you must know is Righteous will not fall. Even so, it might be placebo, but bear in mind, these won’t last for long. Our people will once again stand in front of Justice. No matter where it hide, Truth will revealed it. Just don’t sleep, this is warning.

The Salvation comes to you from Heaven. Make sure you are worthy to received the water of life. Just continue to works, and you will find peace. Remember your badge. Together we make success. Mankind enemy incl. Alien 5G, Repel Angel 4G, and False Disciple 3G.

Just say it louder..Some may argue between Hormone vs DNA, in which Christianity stay preference. Whereby we cant do anything with Hormones, that Spiritual Stuff. Eat Snake…There no win win for Jesus, but lose lose.

It is impossible for Spiritual Virus, I claim it. As Angel incarnated. Those addict of Jabbing just quit. Agree that Jabbing prevent from Macroscopic scenario. But that is not Medicine its Social Engineering.

The root cause aren’t within Mutation. The Meta Blueprint is ASAP. It is regenerating but impossible to cure. As microscopic Cell regenerating.

A stronger cell defence mutation, as cell is the white blood the anti gen. But if it is metamorphosis, then its about Spiritual. The Satanic. And this is the Case.

Its target to Industry level. This is against Communism Economy, ie. Nazi Economy. And Disruption to Digital Economy the Israel People Privilege.

And we have to strengthen Knowledge Economy for Good heal. There is no compromised but just quit. Digital economy has had failed for many CDN.

The Youth generation i.e. Generation Omega is learn to withhold Royalty. As the plot is start for youth only. The Adult and Fellows can uphold free Knowledge, which is suitable for them.

The Baptised is one time suffice. So as Repentance and Confession. Amen. Snake chess is false educating. Boomerang..its at bottom level. A Strong Foundation is valuable.

Yes its Socialism. To discard the Socialism is Cult. So, to stop metaphoric is to star from acceptance of many alternative Energy.

To break in the Quantum energy is good solution. This is to eliminated the Non Certified Weapon i.e. Nuclear, and Non Certified Quantum Weapon.

No expelling, but live together with wicked. Once Nuclear weapon controlled, we are about break in Quantum Technology, this is no preference first or last.

This will eliminating metamorphosis, at job sector level. The enemy plot is to promote the Earth Village i.e. Eden Garden.

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