Y217. Heaven Decryption: The Final Destination Self Check (Forum)

A. Angel and Alien, Charismatic, Nuclear, Sudden Death, 2nd Dead, Calibre vs Trust & Obey->Rule in Sinner, AQ (3per, Coherent Gain) Cognitive Pancreas, Oncology, Music: Rock, Color: Ink work, Texture: Glossy/Silk, Threat: Terrorism, Hero: Transformer, Messiah – Great Wall of China, Pentecost, Earth Village, Divine World 3G Parallel/Magic World, Autumn/Thunder, Jinn – Racial Riot (Economic Downturn, Investment e.g. Equity)

Book of Revelation – Game Over, Calibre (Salvation by Faith Alone) 信 Regeneration

B. Beach & Sea, Catholic, Terrorism, Suicide Death, 1st Dead, Passionate Living vs Duty Orientated->Rule Out False Christian, CQ (4per, Derivative Algorithm) Heart Pulse, Cardiology, Music: Opera, Color: Reflective/Metallic, Texture: Glass, Threat: Tsunami/Nuclear, Hero: Sea Gull, James – Jerusalem Wall, Easter, Promised Land, Country Road, 4G Spiritual/Quantum World, Summer/Rain, Satan – Cold War (Economic Booming, Insurance e.g. Gold)

Ten Commandment of Law of Moses – Trust & Obey, Passionate Living (Salvation by Grace) 爱 Justification

C. Incarnated Spirit, Fundamentalism, Tsunami, Vegetable Death, 1st Resurrection, Credit Leverage vs Credit Biased->Rule Out Colony, EQ (5per, Linear Function) Nerve Wave, Psychology, Music: Metal, Color: Creamy, Texture: Refractive/Fur, Threat: Virus, Hero: Jehovah, Joshua – Silk Road, Halloween, Oriental, Funky Town, 5G Simulated/Pentecost World, Winter/Wind, Devil – World War (Economic Crisis, Land Property e.g. Intellectual Property)

Matthew Gospel – Duty Orientated, Credit Leverage (Salvation by Works) 望 Sanctification

D. Sky & Castle, Episcopal, Virus, Natural Death, 2nd Resurrection, Goes start vs Game Over->Rule in Innocent, IQ (6per, Sequenced Mode) Brain Wave, Genetic, Music: Hymn, Color: Vivid, Texture: Matt/Ceramic, Threat: Crime, Hero: St Joseph, Christ – Canyon Road, Christmas, Utopia, Heaven, 6G Quantum/Biblical World, Spring/Sunny, Serpent – Civil War (Economic Recession, Casino Game e.g. Forex)

Paul & Apostles Epistles – Credit Biased, Game Over (Salvation by Righteousness) 公 Glorification

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