Y220. Anwar vs Mahathir (Bulletin)

Debate of Islam Renaissance Conspiracy as well as Servant Oriented Policy

First, Assumption has been make accordingly as

Anwar represent Western Organised Crime Syndicate, majority is the residue of Qing Syndicate, a strategy to convert Chinese into Colony.

Mahathir represent the Islam Renaissance, incl. Indian, a strategy to convert Chinese away Christianity.

  1. Sodomy Case: Biased Western Valid. Mahathir win (Judgement done)
  2. Chinese Quota Policy: Anwar win (Protect Bumiputra Excuse)
  3. Chinese Primacy School Scam: Anwar win (Multi-stream Policy)
  4. Treasury System Biased to Colony: Anwar win (Overhead over Grants)
  5. Information System and Mass Media: Neutral (Free Speech)
  6. Singapore and Malaysia Transit Link: Mahathir win (Highway Toll Fee and Safety)
  7. Private University: Mahathir win (Escort vs Exchange)
  8. Culture Renaissance : Mahathir win (Local Manufacturer & Reduced Sex Slave)
  9. Democracy & Justice: Mahathir win (Biased reason)
  10. Agricultural Economy to Knowledge Economy: Mahathir win (Developed Country Vision)

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