Y221. Heaven Decryption: Where do we heading? (Forum)

The Schism in Russia is the Schism of Eastern Orthodox Church. And this fade over long time, and its a closure to End the War.

The End War Closure must based on, e.g. the Repel Soldier in Russia, the Collapse of Berlin Wall, again. Its a must to join Berlin Wall, and merge Germany from Russia. This is the only World War Closure, and always.

If Pillar of Christianity not shaken. There won’t be World War. If no Dispute or Schism in Germany, i.e. the Evolution of Protestant. The Victory is determined.

The Advent of Jesus shall be underway, not Episcopal. The Multi Denomination of Church is the Significant. This is good sign that Church is the corner stone of all religions. When Church merge, Germany split. When Church split, Germany merge.

Church Reformation vs Church Evolution. This blame to Charismatic, the Empty Pentecost.

The biggest thing is here, when the End time, this will be twisted. No matter how, the Multi-denomination Church will be dominant when end time.

We have to accept the Schism in Each country. The Authentic Democracy will rise. There will be 9 Church and relatively. And there is one and all for us.

Open minded is the key. When Pentecost time, all Hormone disease will be automatic dispel. Thanks to Socialism Policy. If we goes to Earth Village, there won’t be Pentecost. There won’t be End Time Era. That is the motive of those Islam leader.

This is the Summary the Closure of World War, and Motive of Terrorism is Earth Village. And summary of Church reformation and Pentecost dispel Epidemic.

The below Structured Data Explain, the Global movement.

A. Present Sin: Muscle (Religion Glorification), Economy (World War, End Time Era)
3G Mary Land (Taiwan)->AQ Pentecost, No Present Sin. Anti Christ (Mongolia), Gravitational Crest (UTC)
Earth Village, Hinduism, Eden Garden, Communist, Continental – Boom of Copyright Intellectual Property

B. Past Sin: Hormones (Religion Denomination), Availability (Cold War, Advent Era)
4G Liberal Land (United States)->CQ Full Redemption, No Past Sin. Anti Jesus (African), Gravitational Trough (DST)
Promised Land, Islam Paradise, Democrat, Regional – Boom of Farms and Factories

C. Mortar Sin: Brain (Inheritance), Organic (Civil War, Norms Era)
5G Easter Land (United Kingdom)->EQ Miracles, No Mortal Sin. Anti Gentile (Asian), EMI 4 Phase i.e. Geothermal (Electronics Time i.e. ET)
Oriental, Buddhism Pureland, Monarchy, World Wide – Spiritual become Realism

D. Original Sin: Psychology (Personal Credential), Network (Racial Riot, Brand New Era)
6G Christmas Land (Australia) ->IQ Whitsunday, No Original Sin. Anti God (Germans), EMI 3 Phase i.e. Geothermal (GMT)
Utopia, Christianity Heaven, Nationalism, International – Trial of Carbonless Climate Protocol

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