Y224. Christian Finance Part D. Digital Technology (Review)

The Pirate Caribean. The Anti Piracy Law. Its agree or not, this is the Covenant. And the Covenant protect from Piracy and effectiv. E.g. OEM Product there are alot Sale Channel. And the Sales department control the Ticket (Box Office), meant there are alot rejected Sales, but OBM product only one sale channel. I hope this is not brainwashing.

There another similar Law, need to differentiate. Intelligence Law and Property Law. Intelligence Law meant the Qualification to own the Property. This is regards Credential, but unavoidably Capital in Some country. Meant if you have enough of Credit or money you can own and buy alot Property. This Law is applicable in reverse way. There are so called VIP club.

Or Credit Card, which separate Christian and Cult. This is intelligence and wisdom. In which Cult organisation don’t want you to know and learn. And those Wisdom often become to Flea market and Hidden. Highlight again, the Reading Priviledge is 18+, as norms. Just simply divide population by age as well as qualification. Not by Poverty nor Needy.This is what Capitalism defined. The Credential, Qualification and Tax. Conclusion of Intelligence Law. There 30 times, 50 times or 100 times if growth on the Good land. No wisdom cannot have intelligence.

The 3rd Kind called Property Law. Intellectual or Land, which easy to mixup with Intelligence law or Anti Piracy law. Recup! Anti Piracy Law is meant Ticket Box Office i.e. The Bandwith of the Company. Intelligence Law meant Personal or Family Credential. Property Law (Intellectual and Land), define the Leaks of information.

And this accompany with Organic Rating. Organic Rating is Anticipation and Copycat marketing. And What the Fluctuated Price of Land Property and Intellectual Property rely on. Office有鬼. Its about Science and Pseudo Science. Ok, there must a Pivot.

All of this called Victory Theology. The Religion Enemy. Guard and increase you own duty and increase your power, its scare off. You are Celebrity, you won’t need to worry about your Intellectual Property or Land. And you can name your land abundantly.

Back to Anti Piracy Law. Freedom to Piracy as long the Bandwidth is not served well. This also meant Government Summons. Just make miracles is the golden rules. Or your liked feed the hungry in an improper way. I make some example.

Netflix, wrong sales channel. Correct Channel is Blueray Shop. Yes Donation. Dyson, Empty Box Office, Too High Bandwidth. Devotion in properway. Compliment. There no need funding, but apply Property Law. Reproduction is dishonouring.

To Beat them off, not to Donation raise up the Box Office or Bandwith which is extra, but Donation to raise up the Multi Channel Sales Merchant. The Evil trying to beat the Sale Merchant to force Mono and Biased Sale Channel.

Microsoft linked IT suite. The Sale Channel doesnt serve Asia and Chinese well. They are not doing the Sale well. And this is right and just to use their product in different sale channel. Anti Piracy Law protect only the Poverty Group, SME and Niche Market. To harvest, you have to hiring more people. Or Stay timid. No venture no gain.

Question time. Shall we need Law Enforcement? There 3 are Christian Law, the Covenant. Just catch as much as you can, no catch. What are the Infrigement consequences? The Covenant stand on the Merchant Side. There is Credit if people steal your property or dishonouring or money. Amen?

Those riches difficult to go heaven.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:25

To become poverty, you are infringe Intelligence Law, be cautious. Summary. Just freed yourself, everything is about Merit and Sins.

There are no liability for Christian, as you are the Way and Truth and God Kingdom. True Christian wont make sins. This is protected by Atonement of Jesus. The Baccarat. This is the Bonding you with the Jesus the Son of God. The God redempt our sins into power. And because he is the Alpha and Omega.

Now understand..For Intelligence is for Hardwork people, and For Piracy is for Calible People. For Property is for Brave People. For God Kingdom may have had arrival. Every action is a tax. No wise to be two sided. No Hedge Trust. No Insurance. But one breath..

But Give and Take is good. Ought to differentiate the Polarised and Centerised. For Modular Entity, Its not recommend Polarised. This become Weapon.

For example, if you are possess alot of Fund. This not good. But if you are possess alot of Property. You are Tycoon. If you possession alot of Food. You are the President. You can even call a Political Protest. Because of your Priviledge Network. The Genius, the President. The Trustworthy.

Another one is your Affliation which pay you interest. If you have Some of Big Affliation you are Holding the Social Security. The Soldier, Police has the highest social security. This always come from Justice. These 3 entity cannot be altogether possess, due to the priviledge. so, most people will end out bankruptcy.

Three choose one only. Piracy or Ebook or House. Contradict each other, thats why. Remain as Student choose Piracy. Remain as White Collar choose Ebook. Choose Product or Land copyright if you are serve Duty on Call.

Got the meaning?

The Structure Data of How Economics and Digital Technology link up.

A. International Contract Law, Gross Value (Business) – Security e.g. Car, Equity (Financial Rating for Loan or Interest)- Episcopal
Military Privilege->Asset, Duty (Town)(Utopia)(IoT)
6G Fascism Commonwealth – Business Banking (F&B)(Android)(APU,Audio)(Modular)(Security)
False Privilege (Identity Thief, 365 degree Security Camera)->Murdering Lawsuit

B. Legacy Law, Paper value (Family) – Insurance e.g. Credit Card, Gold (Tax Free or Bankrupcy)- Eastern Orthodox
Certification->Credential, Calibre (World Wide)(Oriental)(Radar)
5G Marxism Capitalism – Labour Manufacturing (MNC)(Windows)(CPU,Clock)(Mainframe)(Simulation)
Plagiarism Certification (Fraud Result Transcript, Microsoft Spreadsheet)->House Firing

C. Property Law, Market Value (Marriage) – Property e.g. Condominium, Patents (Credit or Contract)- Fundamentalism
Copyright->Property, Royalty (Inter-Regional)(Promised Land)(Satellite)
4G Nazism Nationalism – Professional Agriculture (SME)(Apple)(GPU,Graphics)(Scalar)(Studio)
Illegal Copyright (Counterfeit Trademark, Apple Graphic Studio)->Detaining Punishment

D. Anti Piracy Law, Net Worth (Career) – Commodity e.g. Cash, Forex (Clear Debt or Bond)- Charismatic
Software License->Machine, Network (Nation Wide)(Earth Village)(Cable)
3G Fusionism Communism – Slave Infrastructure (PUB)(Iphone)(IoT,Position)(Modular & Scalar->Cloud)(Navigation)
Pirated License (Piracy Software, e.g. Web Hosting Plugin, Music Studio)->Internet Censored

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved