Y225. Christian Journey (Broadcast)

A. Christian Buddhism – Genetic Science i.e. Medicine a.k.a. Episcopal 主教派, Evangelism from Heaven (Culture Renaissance), Old Testament 3per, Hope (Righteous)

Biblical 福音 – 4 type of Biblical God (Australia) – WHO

Jehovah Witnesses (3G Monotheism), Assembly of God (Multi-theism)(5G Micro), True Jesus (Trinity)(4G Macro), Church of Christ (Atheism)(6G Individual)

B. Christian Islam – Quantum Science i.e. Engineering a.k.a. Fundamentalist 基要派, Adventist of Heaven (Advanced Civilisation), Four Gospels 4per, Love (Duty)

Theology 神学 – 9 type Theology (United States) – NASA

Calvinism (Electronics) – Presbyterian Church, Armenianism (Electrical) – Methodist Church, Anabaptism (Hybrid) – Baptist Church etc.

C. Christian Hinduism – Pseudo Science i.e. Economics a.k.a. Pentecostal 五旬派, Salvation to Heaven (Religion Evolution), Revelation 5Per, Faith (Calibre)

Doctrine 教规 – 5 type of Doctrine (Europe) – UN

Pentecostal (Speak in Tongue), Eastern Orthodox (Holy Baptism), Charismatic/Whitsunday (Holy Sacrement/End Time Chronicle), Anglican (Communion Prayer), Catholic (Stewardship)

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