Y226. Population Crisis Myth (Whiteboard)

Omega, Y, Alpha (Jesus Timeline)
Gentile high IQ | Semitic i.e. Anti Chinese high CQ | Christian high AQ
Guangdong vs Guangfu | Guangxi vs Hainan | Tangshan vs Guangzhou

Z, Q, A (Christ Timeline)
Antichrist high EQ | Egyptian i.e. Anti Semitic high IQ | Christ’mas high CQ
Hakka vs Suzhou, Fujian vs Mongolia, Minnan vs Fuzhou

How 12 Ethnic Affiliated

A. Folks: Alpha equivalent to Z (Atheism)(Economics Science)(Pseudo Science, Social), Electrical, Combustion, DST (United States, the “Liberal Land”)

Shanghai Bund *上海滩Communist Mafia *小刀会 Qing Syndicate Mafia *洪门 (Mafia Drug War)(World War) – Anti Pandemic (Personal Hygienic) – Justice

6G Stimulate Soluble Drug | 5G Addictive Injection Drug | 4G Placebo Topical Drug

*Red Cross (United Kingdom)(No discrimination)(For Viral) vs Saint John (United States)(Holiness)(For Brain Injury) vs WHO (Australia)(Righteous)(For Mutation) – Anti Pandemic (Personal Hygienic)

*“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? Matthew 18:12

B. Babyboom: Y equivalent to Q (Trinity/Agnostic)(Quantum Science)(Natural Science, Physics), Mechanical, Fusion, UTC (Singapore, the “Mary Land”.)

White Magic Cult *Calvinism Taiwan | Dark Magic Cult *Anabaptism Korea | Alienic Cult *Creationism United States (Cult Energy War)(Cold War) – Anti Tsunami (Climate Protocol) – Duty

Hybrid, Organic Resource e.g. Crude Oil | Electrical, Mining Resource e.g. Diamond | Electronics, Rare Earth Resource e.g. Coke

*WWF (Justice)(Cultural Renaissance) | UN (Holiness)(Economic Booming) | NATO (Righteous)(Religion Reformation) – Anti Tsunami (Climate Protocol)

*Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37

C. Alternatives: Omega equivalent to A (Multi-theism)(Genetic Science)(Meta Science, Medicine), Electronics, Electrodialysis, GMT (Australia, the “Christ ‘mas Land”)

Taliban 4G Cable *Neo Nazi | 6G Telescope ISIS *Nazi 5G Radar Aqueda *Fusionism (Organised Digital War)(Racial Riot) – Anti Terrorism (Under one roof) – Calibre

6G (Silicon, GPU) | 5G (Lake Salt, APU) | 4G (Quart, CPU)

*Virtual Reality, Scalar Robot (Commercial), Intel Processor | Augmented Reality, Standalone Robot (Household), AMD Chipset | Artificial Intelligence, Modular Robot (Industrial), Kingston Dram – Anti Terrorism (Under one roof)

*He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Matthew 25:33

Population crisis is due to too many Omega. But Good news is when End Time, Omega will become Whitsunday, the Man Made Pentecost, they Transformed to Y or Q Generation Automatically.

There won’t be Trojan horse everywhere, but High Social Bonding Communities may formed.

Population crisis becoming a Scam and Trick used by most Government to Created New World Order, i.e. Social Disorder for their benefit to conquer the Rebellion or Protesting population.

The Trojan horse that you can see is Quantum Effect due to Pandemic. The root cause.

For example.

Parallel Quantum ->Production mode – Carpet Hiring – Suburb (High Trojan Horse)

Series Quantum ->Research mode – Gather Talent – City (Low Trojan Horse)

What would said? Trojan horse is just contain within Colony. And its the Battle of Israel vs Germany on National Security Bill.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan LAI Hin Wai, All right reserved.