Y228. Sow and Reap (Broadcast)

For Population crisis is about Digital War, and from Digital War, it yield Social Disorder Climate Protocol as well as all kind of economics conspiracy, particular viral pandemic and non specific terrorism.

Hence stand firmly on digital platform is ultimate strategy of all defeat to enemy. The enemy to Christianity.

This is of course freedom, most important is happy. Lets real gathered and fake gathered. This is mission impossible, always.

When there is justice, its about good and bad. The linearity of light is most sought after than white light. The pentecost of each and everyone one of us.

Regardless of authentic or replica, regardless of derivative or reinvented, all of these good pentecost called systematic. Onion or crepe analogy, categorised, and layers. Not by Experimental, the so called Chinese Dragons, however its by lucks, the black cat or white cat analogy.

Yes, it comes a conclusion of Sow and Reap.

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