Y235. Islam Renaissance is the Rootcause of Conspiracy Theory (Channel)

“Colony” Concept

Ethically, Colony Redemption Bill is preferable than National Security Bill. The Islam Renaissance originated from Charismatic Church. And Now China talk about National Security Law and Autonomy Law. And the Four star of China is Economic Premises of Four Dragons, in which meant Economic Autonomy but Political Independency some degree.

It is Global Crime Disruption issue to fully freed from National Security Bill. As for Religion thinking, this is a persistent trial until success. We have had success in Chinese of Pentecost, A to Z anointed in Sun Yat Sen Era. And Next is Civilisation Progress of all Chinese, from Pentecost to Quantum Highlights. Its a telecommunication Autonomy.

It is no enough, the next is Silk road, to Biblical teaching of Fundamental of Christianity to World wide. By then we have had conquer National Security Schism.

And yet, it is happening now, and duality. But there are alot of temptations and traps. Fall into Islam Renaissance is a dead end of Under Colony.

That is equivalent to Telecommunication Censorship. Some degree cannot enter into Mainstream. Like mice traps. The Mainstream is Islamic, Yes, Islamic dominant the Satellite.

That is Socialism Political Concept, Marxism. Some country e.g. Europe countries, is Popularism. Popularism is away from Socialism, and not Mainstream. Hence, Nazism is oppose Socialism.

Mainstream is due to the Language. Chinese and American English. The common of Macro History and Modern History. Technology, Medicine, Economics, Crime Disruption, Religion, in terms of Quantum Concept, i.e. Islamic versus Christian.

Without Islamic, without quantum concept, called Theology. As Islam and Christianity is two independent no supplementary each other.

Rainbow and White light. and Rainbow is homogenous, but white light is holistic. Rainbow is Trinity God, Jesus. And White light is Holy Spirit, i.e. alot White light.

Its make up no more than 45 communities, at once. That equivalent to total number of Bible Version. So Trinity God Jesus is everywhere same. It is depending on the First Man Adam. The so called Pentecost, analogy to a Soccer Ball.

So Trinity Concept is Life, random, but linearity. Its always universal. This define Christianity, as Universal God. White Light about 36 to 45 kinds.

This number define the linearity gradient of Pentecost, maximum 45degree. No beyond and no gain.

The interesting part is selection of White light is based on their chromatic to make Rainbow into seven colours. All Rainbow seven colours, and this define Holy Spirit and Evil Spirit.

The True Holy Spirit can only be instantaneous determined. And True Holy Spirit ought to be separated from evil spirit. As the difference is very minor. Its a pyramid scheme. Thats called Bonding Hierarchy.

But the True one is on the bottom. As long the White Light stay righteous, it is the True Holy Spirit. With atonement, there is righteous, without atonement there is no righteous.

This stated the Bill of Colony of Islamic Renaissance. It equivalent to Climate Protocol, Carbonless compensation.

It could disrupt the Climate Change. And the Atonement i.e. The Colony Bill can be replaced by Carbonless Bill.

It is Heavenly Step, without Atonement. We have to find the True Holy Spirit. Which can separate good and evil. Its equivalent to a cost. This is the Famous Climate Change Bill.

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