Y240. Comparison Pentecost, Fasting & Atonement II (Broadcast)

Matthew Gospel selected, due to population distribution curve is dominated by White Light and Pentecost Rainbow Light.
Some White Light could process out into 7th rank Chromatic Colours.

Christian | Agnostic | Gentile
Buddhism | Islam | Hinduism
6g Multi-theism | 4g Trinity | 5g Monotheism
Music/Biology, Meta Science a.k.a. Medicine, Genetic | Scientific/Physics, Christian Science a.k.a. Economics, Quantum | Social/Mathematics, Pseudo Science a.k.a. Linguistic, Pentecost
Biblical | Theology | Doctrinal
100% Sovereign | 93% Sovereign | 0% Sovereign
Calvinism Theology | Creationism Theology | Victory Theology
Greenland | Whitsunday | Pentecostal spirit
Pentecost | Atonement | Fasting
Reformation Disciple | Stewardship Apostle | Repentance Saint
Jesus to Pentecost Day | Messiah to Easter Spirit | Christ to Christmas Land

6g Communism Monarchy | 4g Capitalism Nationalist | 5g Nationalism Democrat
Jerusalem Episcopal | Prague Fundamentalist | Vatican Charismatic
Cluster | Sector | Segment
Pandemic AIDS EBOLA | Leprosy CORONA | Plague AVIAN SWINE

Crime Disruption
6g Neo Nazi a.k.a. Italian Mafia | 4g Nazi Cult | 5g Qing Syndicate
Famine | Massacre | Genocide
Korean, African->Poverty | Japanese, Semitic->Sex Slave | Germanic, Chinese->Word Prison
Racist | Anti Semitic | Anti Chinese

Job Security Bill a.ka. Public Security | National Security Bill | Civil Security Bill
Counterfeit Market | Piracy Market | Flea Market
Hymn | Christian Ministry | Bible
Health Defect | Erotic Defect | Mental Defect

Music Therapy
Meta Music | Classic Music | Hits Music
Augmented | Dominant | Diminished
Metal vs Devotion | Spiritual vs Calibre | Sentimental vs Justice
金属 | 属灵 | 感情
Metal vs Hymn | Jazz vs Blue | Tango vs Rock
Chord Progression | Bass Progression | Melody Progression
Melody Solo | Chord Solo | Bass Solo
Flute & Guitar | Piano & Drums | String & Brass
Holy Spirit by Grace | Holy Spirit by Truth | Holy Spirit by Burden
Soul | Spirit | Ghost
Holy Soul | Holy Spirit | Holy Ghost: (Pentecost/Whitsunday/Greenland)
(6per) Muscle (Brain) x Percentile | (4per) Nerves (Joint) x 45 Fahrenheit degree | (5per) Ribs (Blood) x Percentage
Mortal Sins | Past Sins | Original Sins *Goat & Sheep

What Conclusion can be drawn with regard the Covid-19?

  1. Corona Virus is a Genocide Virus and target at specific Communities.
  2. Neo Nazi i.e. Italian Mafia is the mastermind of Corona Virus.
  3. The Music Therapy a.k.a. Pentecost is the closure to countermeasure the Corona Virus e.g. Metal vs Hymn.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-39
耶 稣 对 他 说 : 你 要 尽 心 、 尽 性 、 尽 意 爱 主 ─ 你 的 神 。这 是 诫 命 中 的 第 一 , 且 是 最 大 的 。其 次 也 相 仿 , 就 是 要 爱 人 如 己 。马太福音 22:37-39

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