Y248. Comparison Pentecost, Fasting & Atonement III (Broadcast)

Genetic 6per | Psychology 4per | Cardiovascular 5per |
Muscle, Cell 6per | Nerve, Bone 4per | Hormones, Blood 5per
Justice | Devotion | Calibre
Holy Soul | Holy Spirit | Holy Ghost
Devil, False Prophet | Satan, Beast/Antichrist/False Christ | Serpent, Man of Sins
Nation Wide 3G Word Prison| International 4G Trojan Horse | World Wide 5G Colony
Oriental | Promised Land | Earth Village
Wire Cable | Fibre Cable | Satellite
Telephone | Internet | Iot
Modular Decoder Encoder | Atomic Coordinate System | Global Positioning System
PS Name Card, Doctor of Philosophy | MNC Tie, Bachelor | SME Badge, Master
Value, Cheque | Cash, Saving Account | Grants, Credit Card
Wage | Compensation | Bonus
Avatar | Timing | Event
Property | Salary | Asset
Identity | Postnatal | Natal
Career Credential | Job License | Duty Privilege
Joshua/St Joseph | James/Seagull | Christ/Transformer
Mortal Sins | Past Sins | Original Sins
Diamond/Hybrid | Coke/Salt | Calcium/Crude Oil
Mechanical | Electronic | Electrical
Nuclear | Electric | Combustion
Meta 6per | Economics 4per | Pseudo 5per
Genetic | Quantum | Pentecost
Medicine/Music | Science/Physics | Social/Mathematics
Game Theory | Moore’s Law | Actuary Science
Sigmoid | Logarithm | Echo Wave
2 kind, 21 counts | 45 type, 500 counts | 10 level, 5000 counts
(Power), e.g. Roulette | (Steps), e.g. Baccarat | (Counts), e.g. Black Jack
Melting | Freezer | Boiling
Kelvin, Percentile | Fahrenheit, Rate | Celsius, Percentage
Genetic Matrix Computational Principle | Relativity Theorem | Chaos Theory
Biblical | Theology | Doctrinal
Loss/Rate | Delay/Lag | Trip/Ping
Greenland | Whitsunday | Pentecostal
Benchmark | Audit | Quota
‘C’ language | ‘O’ language | ‘R’ language
Pro Semitic | Pro Germanic | Pro African |
Republican | Nationalist | Democrat
Russia | United States | Australia
Racialism/Health | Capitalism/Money | Socialism/Luck
Individual | Holistic | Homogenous
Apostle Epistle | Matthew Gospel | Moses Law
Social Harmony, Anti Terrorism | Social Security, Anti Pandemic | Social Bonding, Anti Tsunami
Guide to Heaven | Adventist of Heaven | Evangelism from Heaven
Pentecost | Atonement | Fasting
Apple | Android | Windows
Chemical 6per | Chemistry 4per | Quantum 5per
Nuclear, Diamond | Electric, Coke | Combustion, Calcium
Output | Exchange | Process
*Pandemic (Diaspora & Folks) | Leprosy (Semitic & Babyboom) | Plague (Israelite & Omega)
*Radiative | Vitamin | Enzyme |
*Soluble (Brain) | Topical (Heart) | Injection (Pancrea)
Vegetable Death | Natural Death | Sudden Death
*Cheque & Property (Market Value) | Cash & Salary (Paper Value) | Debt & Credit (Net Worth)

Errata 4Aug2022

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