Y256. The Impact of Civilisation Progression (Census)

Let’s clear stage. We are Victory against the Covid with/without vaccination. Stop complaint the Effectiveness of Vaccination. Its harm and helps.

That’s all. Its man made Corona virus. but God made healing. The next stage we are facing now is the Public Security. Assassination is not new, it is since 5000 years.

Happened in China History and Egyptian History, but Not Israel History. This is because of Effectiveness of Moses Law (Semitic Hierarchy Version).

Yes, when the Social Bonding High Enough, the Social Harmony as well as Public Security is okay.

For Social Security comes at a price Public Security. Gives and takes. Yes, Public security is Individual and Seasonal. Just keeping in mind, to feel safe, you ought to giving out.

As the Capitalist is now in 3rd World Country. Gross National Income i.e. GNI Index is pro to Democrat Country.

The Developing Country. The 1st World Developed Country is pro to Republican. Republican is high in GNP, Gross National Products. i.e. The Intellectual Property as well as Land Property.

High GDP is a traits of Communism, Anti Democracy.

Most people mix around Democracy and Communism. This is a Political Tricks. The True Democracy is pro Entrepreneurship, for Poverty class. Its called “American Pie”.

Liberal Law then Liberal Land, and Liberal People. The Moon Landing significant the abolish of Colony, in which Republican Rules.

To note that, privilege of Liberal Land is exception from Climate Protocol. The Commonwealth Law for international. International Country define as Nationalist or Socialism Country.

Only Open Bordered Country enjoy international benefits. Free Trade Policy liked South East Asia. This comes to Trade Deficit.

With Closed Bordered, the Trade Deficit is high. This translated to Global Influence. That called Communism. Dictatorship.

Terrorism 911 is against Digital Economy, and Covid-19 is against the Rare Earth Economy. The R&D.

The Car manufacturing. Particular in Europe and Japan. Incl. Air Disaster MH370. etc.

This sound like a revolution or New World Order pro to Poverty, in fact this is promote Human Organ Trading. Lose Lose situation and pro to the Dictatorship.

I dont name it here. The Organ Trading is not Economically but a Disguised Colony. By the way, Human Organ Trading involve alot of Hidden Tax. Be aware. Just like a Cocaine, Wine and Tobacco.

Micro view it is Tax, Macro view it is Free. Regardless your Wealth. Long terms this people become Donkey. Like a Mice Maze, even the wise man falls. No matter how, this is underway. Just bear in mind of Donkey and Scapegoat. I need more brain.

The root cause is Multiply Income. Alternative, this is another Financial Crisis and 2046.

Past experience of variety of Plague, Pandemic, Epidemic, Outbreak and Leprosy. We know Vaccination is meant Eligible for Survivor. Agreement of Human Humility. We are perfect creature and perfect human.

And now, heading of us there are Return to 1999′ (Global Financial & Climate Crisis), Return to 1980′ (Personal Computer & Matrix Computation for Organic & Virus). And even so, Return to 1969’s (Satellite and Socialism).

What had the Computer had done for us? It make Soccer ball to becoming Olive ball. What did we learn from past experience and Biblical Story.

Babel Tower, Eden Garden and Noah Ark. Yes. The Need of Speed. We are catching the time.

Once Democracy, no backward button. Its evil Democracy Campaign. This is Islam Renaissance.

Not about Authentic Christianity. Foresee, there no more 2000k bug. But termination of Windows.

Its retired time with easy money. How computer bring to us on Culture? There only Unplugged can do that. Yes. Guess Apple Bug inside. Credit card has rule out.

No alternative. Budget Taxi has failed, and so on the food delivery. Let figure out how Budget taxi failed. Its about Cloud Computer. And it not working yet elsewhere. It ought to linked up World Wide IoT into a Web Hub.

5G is pre-requisite. Some country cannot afford 5G yet, due to Intelligence and Copyright. Free Knowledge is a sea. Wait until 6G, 4G jump to 6G. 6G is paid data. SMS, MMS.

The Different is upon on Technology Bottleneck on the field of Teleportation. IoT 5G is linked by GPS, Wifi 6G is linked Radiative Sensitive Telescope.

Only few country own this technology. So, the Gate is 5G. Lets talk about Rare Earth.

Energy Price is priority Concern. Now it advanced to Store Energy, as Fuel Cell. Those sold as Cubic square.

Problem is here, the Fuel Cell low entropy. Crude oil is for Accumulated Storage. Fuel Cell is for Distribution. Solar Cell is high Loss Exchange. This is the Process loop, from Crude Oil to Fuel Cell then to Solar Cell.

Its going to be normalizing to DC. This is Electronic Car, e.g. Tesla. 1st Generation. the next generation could be using Rare Earth Perpetual Anti-Gravitation in replace Placebo Combustion. Perpetual Floating.

With Combustion Engine as Commuting Powered too. Not using Electrical Motor Fans. The Real Anti Gravitational Rare Earth. Super Conductivity.

God made not Man made. This is not about Geothermal, but Photonic. Energy issue has addressed. Now the Geothermal issue.

With Climate Protocol, The Geothermal will be natural. This is about Butterfly Effect. The Social Science trigger Natural Science. Fitting the Puzzle.

Social Science+Nature Science=Economic Science. This is why everybody sleep and I am awake.

Time is like Cash. And Cash is Pie. Vice versa. Called Wings. This is how China can construct a Building Tower in 2 weeks. This is learned from Bible. Jesus said War is favourable.

Build is easy. War is about destroy and building. Experience counts. What important is Heritage.

It’s about how to rebuilt after the war. PC stuff. Preserved our Religion completeness and Law is upmost. Of course, the First Class Communities.

This is very important. There are 45 Bible version. 45 communities. Some are witch. Those bow down are good women. Because Mary goes Round. 7 choose 2. 42 major and minor. 40 times of temptation. Hold them. Make sure its Natural Sigmoid.

For this is international. Of course there is priority and maturity. Democrat is Dominant Harmonic Scale. Monarchy is Suspended Harmonic Scale. just Hymn and Hill Song.

Each Communities correspond to genre of Music & Instrument. Catholic called Organ. That is no Beta, but Fundamentalist Democracy.

Promised Land would fail, due to Erotic error cause Climate Change. Biblical Noah Ark and the King James. The Train A to Oriental and Oriental Express Train.

This is about the Digital Economy and Communities Network. Network change, environment changed. It had to be touch and go.

The National Security Bill due to Climate Protocol and Carbon Bill.

And the Financial Crisis is the Triggered. So when the day we floating, it is the day no flooding. Flooding is because of poverty.

Economic Conspiracy doesn’t make us rich.

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