Y262. Economic Review: The Living Cost (Review)

Nation Wide (Nation/Universe Wide Hub *Some Country)(6G Tsunami Free)
6G Mac Address (Individual Hardware)
(Ethnic ranking)(9 Community, i.e. Nation Wide), Social Harmony Rank

International (International ISP Hub *Most Country)(4G Terrorism Free)
4G IP Address (Local ISP)
(3 Burden)(9 Continents, i.e. International), Body Independency.

World Wide (World Wide Web *Many Country)(5G Virus Free)
Post Office
5G IoT (DNS)
(5 Hormones)(9 Planet, i.e. World Wide), IQ Calibre

9x9x9 planetary system – individual universe timeline scale (linear)
This is also Social Liability. The Living Cost.
High Living Cost comes from Freedom as well as Dependency.
And this is suitability of survivor. It had to be high burden and less changes.
That’s all.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.