Y273. Rethinking of Food Poison (Forum)

The Political revolution From Democracy to Socialist is not a dream. Let’s work out to fight with the ROOT CAUSE.

The Terrorism kinda Democracy, is a must to ceased. Even its slow pace, but once democracy heat is slow down, the Righteous shall wins. Its too late, its too loud…to have fast Democracy.

Rule of games is your freedom, don’t make complicated. Time is you and me together. It relatively. There are prime, and recycle. When my time is prime, your time is recycle. Prime time is hidden always, but recycle has plenty.

Called spare time. Don’t use spare time, then you have abundant of prime time.One thing at a time. Focus your mind. Same thing, if you focus on your enemy, they had no time focus your back. It called Time Stealing.

Solution is the exchange. When you focus everything, you have generating a comprehensive solution. Called Modeling. In applied to Enemy sparring, called “ask road”.

That is no fun, if you reach dead end. Everything important thing has rehearsal, and modelling is a highlighted of wrong hierarchy.

Yes, one score only. No need weighted, but colourised. Those experience holy spirit filled are dead, they are with God and become Chromatic Light. It means, your time is my time. My time is not ur time.

Time is food. No Pork. Pork time is analogy to spare time. We can store spare time, but it deteriorate our prime time.

Same thing, if you eat pork, then you can no chance to eat other food. This is called Economically waste.

A bigger scale, it could lead to food poison. Just demand and supply. If you know pork, you know seafood.

Seafood is too little, it has no economically value at all. Dont eat seafood, but eat more beef and lamb. It is helping reduce poverty due to beef and lamb must not stored easily.

So the exchange rate is at minimum of quantity MOQ, as it is opposited.

The advantage is at poverty. It is overhead to have High MOQ. For Prime time is valuable. So Pork and Beef are different Cost Trend.

Depend where you live. The Market Share is same gradient. but different population scale. Analogy to many other field, by your limitation.

Golden rule don’t save spare time. Eat Snake. Choose easy thing to do, as do things at easier way.

For any Scientific Product. Then we could have no more hungry and finer climate.

It meant make rugged product, and finer food not the opposite. It too little market share. Sustainability is rotating not merge.

Then MOQ is fast and lite. Charity Food Stall. Of course, this is the most clean food we can get. The 3C Product, and Food only.

Strictly apply to Western only. Asia opposite. Due to the Western and Asia are Enemy. Food different, 3C product different and even the Condominium Different. Clause at assumption of World War Period Only. When Cold War, it is same, Western and Asia become ally.

We have alot of primetime in Asia. Its about to waste. For living cost is low. And this meant social liability.

Seriously, due to level of literacy rate, our Economy is good. Confidently. Asia is Democracy, and Western is Socialist. It always oppose. The price of Democracy include Population Crisis, Climate Change and National Security.

Its the Hongkong, and Taiwan as leading. If we follow Europe, we could become Union or Pacific Trade Free Boundary.

Just analogy to Promised Land, we can have it because we are Economy leading now. What the gauge? The Prime Time and Spare Time.

The Low Living Cost due to we eat storage food. To change, we could eat better food by voting against Democracy.

This is Common Sense. Stop Corruption or Entrepreneur. Start working as Productivity Labour or mining earn real wage. One step ahead into Knowledge economy the 6G, and be Knowledge worker.

Its too late and too loud to have more democracy in Asia. Its War tension in Asia. Not the Western at all. Russian is defeated, due to ally with China bastard.

Its no more Socialist in China but Puppet Government due to XinJiang Rehab. Its very serious issue.

This ultimately be another crusade. And Hongkong and Taiwan has dominated the Political power due to Economy leading.

All same bunches. But the Crusade eyeing the Rare Earth Treaty (Economy) and the Justice Closure, incl. Climate Protocol (Church Schism) and Semitic Status.

This is small issue, most important is Culture Heritage e.g. Demography Migration. What is Crusade, its axis of Democracy and Terrorism e.g. 1800′ Opium War.

The Spread of Western Culture, Product and Christianity at Advantage of Deteriorating Chinese. This is mainly the Brewing of Church Campaign toward Asia.

Trying to delay the Civilisation progression into Religion or Scientific Renaissance. That is recoverable history and now we are vulnerable to the same group of Church.

And the Schism of Russia is the Schism of Church. This could be the Ending and Last Crusade because of XinJiang rehab conspiracy.

And mention about Nuclear War, its Mach 10 now, so its cross cancelled out. No One can win. Simple, its about Vulnerability. The Mistake come from Memory and Intelligence.

Harp war is possible only when there is no God from the east. Golden rule, when Harp war, it must be false Christ. e.g. The one lead people exodus, fits.

Its about Oxygen. The Righteous will not become Isotope. H2O and HO2. This is Harp effect, The Perfect Pitch.

There is only one Church Apostolic and Catholic Church, and One Israel. Make it square.

All ethnic are equal depend on structure chain. But the Canaan Jew is Abraham’s son Jacob God Election Jew.

Its debating too. As there are many version of bible, and many creed. If you follow US and UK you are mainstream. Choose your own belief and be freedom, no racial riot or genocide.

The point is Isotope. Its uncertainty. There is one Quran version, but over 36 version of bible. Which one you prefer, Christianity has no forced and they are advocate freedom.

Some Church discard 10 commandment of Law using faith only, which means “Buy the Bills yourself”. If any one with Strong Faith, he can make no Law Cheating.

This is Finance Concept. In fact, we need cheating. This is the beginning of Democracy. Its not by Percentile but Quota some more.

What we need is U turn and make no repentance, avoid from passive terrorism but make Holy Baptism align with God present.

Hence we can renew own identity as it appear in the Bible. Its not head count but Original Sins as Calibre. Meaning if you are Overqualified as Wild Goat, no necessary.

Baptism is freedom, but for those Born with Holy Spirit is ritual and burden only. Holy Spirit is called Carbon Bill.

Pork eater or Beef eater. Prime Time priority or Spare Time priority. Once you baptism, it all renew with a key with you. That the key for Recognise Righteous and evil.

Its spiritual not physical. Not Public but Doctrinal Formatted. Who the God you believe.

Its by Faith alone, but Temptation as prepare. And God is hidden everywhere.

The God of Jacob, the God of Jesus and God of Mary are customised. You define your own God by freedom and knowledge. But the Prize has only one.

Maybe non existence. You said yes, then you got. Its not Aladdin Lamp. But you have to speak of tongue. Its not individual its non existence.

Called it “How Good ar…” Yes its is non existence until you desperate need him.

Dont ask me why. How to differ true God or False God. Its same. Don’t try to proof false but proof right. Its become your own world if you define wrongly.

So make it freedom. Golden rule is all good is from him, all bad not from him. Then you join the mainstream.

He is not Computer or Robot. He is Physically non existence. He is living in our past. He is the proton and he is the universe. He is the group of people, he is the one man voice.

Mathematically this is the number of benchmark. the 99 percentile is the Son of God. The remaining is God.

Make it more almighty is he is not alien, but above all creation. and yet under all creation.

Its no about Creation, its Covenant. Freedom from Covenant. The one create covenant into act. There Greek God, Roman God, Egyptian God. Because of Their Covenant.

All covenant are same, I should said. But Auditing is skill. 8 Theoretical, 9 Experimental, 10 Spiritual 11 Application The Social Bonding Pyramid. 8 9 10 11 is the Social Ranking.

The 20 Level. There Islam Buddhism etc. All is about Social Ranking.

Leveraging. Its Freedom, eternal life is for those high social ranking. And the Way to Heaven is more than just Social Ranking.

Its Justice. There is only one way. Its always your way. Its never had created until we walk. This is called Meta Blueprint. Many layers.

Virgin Island. Tibet. Truly I tell you, heaven is in the sky. Meaning It follow us. Meaning It follow us.

Its geographically tiny, but accommodate many.

Yes. Its web. Web is heaven. The Skynet. So everything is Meta and Layered. Seven Heaven. There are World Spiritual and Heaven Spiritual and Dream Spiritual.

The Different is about Covenant of Act. Its about how you color Righteous and Evil. Those living under Heaven Covenant are those Christian.

Those living under World Covenant are those Kings and Queens.

For they dont recognized Evil but Righteous. Those living in Dream Spiritual, are children, they have the perfect world without righteous.

For Righteous is gambling. Children today are learn experimental than theory. They use number without meaning.

But when they old, they will know 3 in 1. Its the cheating way. Mathematics is a cheating way to gain wisdom. Its recommended to Ministry but not for Commercial Use, for it is rared knowledge.

Rare thing is illegal. This is Islam Law. To Christian, rare thing is Holy but Poison. Let’s all kind grows…

Your poison my meat. Something Poison we have to eat. Its Covenant of Heaven, Righteous 50% Evil 50%

For God said all the Fruits of the Garden we can eat. Exempt the Forbidden One, which is the Not Righteous and Not Evil.

The uncertain cannot eat. The uncertain thing we cannot do. Eat uncertain thing you will become Baptism.

The Uncertainty is Higher Ranking. He see you, more than you see him. Eat the Uncertainty fruits you will die, but eat poison fruits you will not die.

This is show the power of God beyond than guessing uncertainty.

Terrorism is uncertainty, but War is certainty. Why do you afraid? Poison Fruit can safely eat as long you strip the skin. This meant sincerity is everything.

All evil can heal, all unrighteuosness can clean. All poison can detoxify too.

So uncertain cannot have too many. Max 2 in line. 25% ok. The ending is like that. Its accounting, and its psychology more than risk.

Who said uncertainty is poison. Its make amplification. Stacking of uncetainty, it become Memorised and Quantised.

And Uncertainty is life. The Organic.

So Every life is illegal. Until we named it. Why? We are so limited.

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