Y274. Introduction Christianity to Islam (Channel)

Today topic is about Communities. And Our roles to each Communities. There are 360 Job Sector. Meaning Job is a Time Chart.

And 360 Job is the Job Mirror. There are Prime Time and Spare Time, Graded level. Called Job Orientation. For example Commercial, Industrial, and Construction.

Its not categories but progression. All rounded of course. A Cycle of Fifth. Called Algorithm. And this is National Wide.

A Monarchy Country has a Suspended Oriented Job Post. Bachelor Majority. A Democracy Country is Dominant Job Post. Medicine and Business Field.

Just Heaven and Earth. So the Communities of each Country forms a Symphony. Job Progression is a must to achieve the High Head Count Quota.

Meant the Increase of Compensation. The Technique of Job Progression is innovation. Target is Increase the Time Chart. Meaning more holiday less works. Dare to be different?

Once the Time Chart increase, we would received National Security Bill. Regionally. Another Technique is the R&D Charity as well as R&D Grants.

This is to increase the Social Liability. So as reduce the Living Cost i.e. Inflation. As Democracy Country is mostly High Living Cost, and R&D Funding which make profit.

And R&D Charity is not investment but Charity. Outcome is reduce Living Cost. The Country Inflation. Its just like Social Liability increase, turn out to lesser Carbon Bill.

Simple Math. Question to NASA fly to the Moon. Its alot of Economy Miracles. All Country is Black and Gray. Exempt few Country is transparency.

What are Malaysia Economy Miracles? Could Inverted anything and everything. Its depend on the Head Count, large head count, large Micracles. Quota Based. Low Quota then difficult.

And This could make Economic Crisis. Research on Global News?? High Inflation. Go away…But Archeology is good.

For War. Which is demanding. Peace and Land come at Price. Not about Organic, but Satellite. The next would be Space Colony.

Once Space defeat, its Land defeat. The Dog fight. Its not about Fun, its Tik Tok. This is called Public Security. Music Contest. Piano vs Guitar. Monarchy Socialist vs Democracy.

Moon Effect. Music control Moon, or Moon control Music? Music control Moon, or Moon control Music? Guitar can kill soul. Its Erotic. Perfect Pitch. Recommended to single.

Piano you cant detect Pitch but Guitar. This is about Karaoke. In piano, I play only C and G. Its you fit the Song, not the Song fit you, Jackie Cheung.

Not to Choose Song, but Worship. Melody make song, not vocal. Alot to complaint. Music is Tax. And when a life with bad music, its make colony.

Its equivalent to Change the world. Could Inverted anything and everything. Don’t mix piano and guitar. Its Conflict each other. Hymn and Hill song mix is Earth Song. Heaven and Hell must split.

As I said before, Cult is asking Colony and Genocide. What I hate them, one thing due to they are very clever and evil. Its transparency to me. All same bunches, nearly 93%.

The rest is Russian and Christian Ministry. Ministry alone enough. Not hard sell to Indian and Thailand. There are no their bible version. Google translation.

No even Malay. I bet. You know what is bible translation? Its Word by Word, Culture by Culture, Inch by Inch.

Bible is very expensive book. The Retail Price. Know why? Because of Cost of Research. Poor Quality then poor quantity, don’t you agree? I doubt too.

Its a fake book. Holy and Poison. Its always linkup. Safe thing God don’t like. e.g. Singing. But Poetry Song. Theology Education important, but Protestant never had.

Even the Pastor no trained. This is because they hate Islam. Every Protestant. Exempt the France. Called Presbyterian Church.

This is the Schism of Europe believe or not. Nazi like to stir up with Islam. The Independent of Israel is the key of Continued Success of Peace Conspiracy of Turkey. And The Dispute was on sesame things.

The Alibaba and 40 thief Story epic until present days. Its common to 40 police and one thief.

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