Y281. The Mathematic Solver: 1. Climate Law, Telecommunication Science 八字 Cryptography (Whitepaper)

8 Station to 18 (Western) & 18 (Asia) & 6 (Restricted), (1+2)(Extra) Channels, The Auto Formed Communities each Country, by Holy Bible Version. Analogy to Song genre.

*This is called Social Engineering, in Telecommunication War. Its belong to Pentecost Science, the Telecommunication Science.

This Methodology is MacroView. It to find out the friend, rival and ally for diplomacy only.
The pros and cons of these Methodology is it can detect the Genocide, that’s all. Its for Cold War, control the Sky from Shrinking.

It cant sorting the Evil nor the Righteous, but sorting the one committed War Crime i.e. The Genocide, and this is the Best Methodology.

Not Recommended as it is Secular and Fragile.

Religion War i.e. Royalism Direction & Humanity Meta Blueprint
– Theologian cum Archaeologist, Buckingham vs South America, Vatican vs Israel

a. Techies (Cat): Suspended Scale, Piano, Hymn – The Colony / The Governor
English Standard Version: East India Company ally 宋家皇朝 – 基督教会
Oppose the Repentance to African. but Democracy of Chinese and Unity of China is the Translation.
Vision Theology & Mariology Theology, Mark Gospel. Anglican Church & Catholic Church.
Moses Law (Yes), James (Any), Peter (Yes) – To Oriental (The Oriental Express)
– #6 #9-> #1 Holmes->#1 Last Pass (King/Queen)/False Prophet/False Christ
(Old Church e.g. Sermon) (F&B, Private)
(Fasci Cult i.e. Fasci Japan: Enterprise Mafia), #7 WHO (Law) & #4 VATICAN (Dominated)
United Kingdom & International (“The Scent of Women”)
Anglican, Black, 京 = Cambodia
5G, mmWave Antenna i.e. Ether (Film)(e.g. Netflix)

b. Freaks (Tiger): Added Scale, Keyboard, Jazz – The Colony / The Governor
Old Hebrew Version: Nazi Germany ally Nazi Cult Terrorism Syndicate
Oppose the Repentance to Chinese, translation to Clustering of China. Democracy of Africa and Unity of Africa is the Translation.
Advent Theology, Mark Gospel. Charismatic Church
Moses Law (No)->James (Any), Peter (No) – To Utopia (The New World Order)
– #2 #11 Adolf Hitler->#4 Men in Black (Devil/Santa Claus/Joshua)
(New Church e.g. Preaching) (F&B, Public)
(Irish Mafia: Family Mafia), #2 ZION (Extreme Split) & #11 JERUSALEM (Broadcast)
Israel & South America (“My Best Friend Wedding”)
Jewish, Borneo, 夏 = Japan
1G, Sonic Radar (Radio)(e.g. Soundcloud)

Academic War i.e. Telecommunication War
– Scientist cum Engineer, Germans vs Russia, Heaven vs Earth

c. Nerds (Sheep): Major Scale, Cello, Classical – The Wordprison / The Broadcast
Chinese Standard Version: 满清 – 电脑学会 ally Fasci Japan
by Holy Spirit of Burden which can be Imaginable. Translate to Karma Effect attract All Religions converting.
Arminianism Theology, John Gospel. Methodist Church
Moses Law (Yes), James (Yes), Peter (No) – To Promised Land (Beta)
– #7 Bruce Lee->#7 Pioneer (James/King or Queen/False Prophet)
(Germans Casino e.g. Blackjack) (R&D, Rare Earth cum Machine)
(Neo Nazi Organised Syndicate), #6 NASA (Forgiveness)
Australia & Europe (“Back to the Future”)
Germans, Turkish, 明 = Vietnam
2G, Wired Cable i.e. Antenna (Television)(e.g. Tiktok)

d. Nuts (Fish): Minor Violin, Ethnicity – The Word Prison / The Broadcast
New International Version: Neo Nazi Australia ally 清廷
by Risk Management and Psychology. Translate to Cause and Mode Effect attract Gentile become Christian.
Victory Theology, John Gospel. Pentecostal Church
Moses Law (Any), James (Any), Peter (No) – To Liberal Land (The New Exodus)
– #4 Daisai (False Prophet/Devil/Santa Claus)
(English Casino e.g. Ponton) (R&D Genetic cum Digital)
(Russian Organised Syndicate), #9 WWF (Righteous)
China & Russia (“Passion of Christ”)
Jude, Tagalog, 黄 = Thai
6G, Gravitational Wave Radar (Fascimile)(e.g. Facebook)

Political Diplomacy War i.e. Justice & Judgement
– Politician cum Lawyer, United States vs China

e. Gurus (Goat): Augmented Scale, Brass, Blues – The Trojan Horse / The Hacker
King James Version – Nazi Germany ally East India Company
Advocate Salvation by Angel and Form 36+7 Communities.
Creationism Theology, Matthew Gospel. Fundamentalist Church
Moses Law (Yes), James (No), Peter (No) – To Utopia (The Train A)
– #1 Armstrong->#1 New Noah Bill Gate-> Man of Sins/James/King or Queen
(Western University e.g. Text Book) (SME, Food)
(Qing Syndicate i.e. Nazi Organised Syndicate), #12 CIA (Diplomat)
Singapore & Malaysia (“One way ticket”)
Jew, Egyptian, 满 = Myanmar, 周 = Korean, 唐 = Bhutan, 金 = Chosen
3G, Optic Cable (Telephone)(e.g. Whatsapp)

f. Geeks (Frog): Diminished Scale, Flute, Oldies – The Trojan Horse / The Hacker
Chinese Contemporary Bible Version: 密谋 – 华乐团 ally Irish Mafia
Reject Salvation by Angel and Form 36 only Communities.
Calvinism Theology, Matthew Gospel. Presbyterian Church
Moses Law (No), James (Yes), Peter (Yes) – To Oriental (The First Class)
– #5 #12-> #7 Lee Kuan Yew Steve Jobs-> (Joshua/Man of Sins/Devil)
(Asia University e.g. Lecture) (SME, Manufacturing)
(Qing Conspiracy Basement), #1 FBI (Temptation)/#8 SWITZERLAND (Intelligence)
Hongkong & Japan (“Fly me to the Moon”)
Roman, Persian, 楚 = North Vietnam
7G, Radiative Satellite (Satellite Radio i.e. Internet Radio)(e.g. Twitter)

Military Academy War i.e. Economy War & New Weapon Development
– Economist cum Accountant, Democracy vs Socialist ->Nationalist vs Republican

g. Fans (Dog): Dominant Scale, Acoustic Guitar, Rock – The Bankruptcy / The Billionaire
New Living Translation African Version: Fasci Japan ally 满清
Oppose Salvation by Guarantee and Universally.
Anabaptism Theology, Luke Gospel. Congregational Church
Moses Law (No), James (No), Peter (No) – To Liberal Land (The New Noah)
– #3 Gutenberg Satan/James/False Christ
(Office e.g. Modular Product) (PS, Legal, Education, Science, *Tips)
(Nazi Cult Terrorism Syndicate), #10 UN (The Actor)
Korea vs North Korea (“The Need of Cold War”)
Germanic, Arabian, 宋 = Tibet, 回 = XinJiang
4G, Radiative Satellite (Internet)(e.g. WordPress)

h. Morons (Lion): Sub-Dominant Scale, Classical Guitar, Folks – The Bankruptcy / The Billionaire
Chinese Union Version: 清廷 – 样貌学会 ally Russian Organised Syndicate
Salvation by Guarantee and Universally.
Christology Theology. Luke Gospel. Lutheran Church
Moses Law (Yes), James (Yes), Peter (Yes) – To Promised Land (Backup)
– 8# #10 -> #2 Serpent Sun Yat-Sen->Santa Claus/Joshua/Satan
(Home Office e.g. Scaled Product) (PS, Medicine, Business, Media, *Broadcast)
(Taliban Terrorism Syndicate), #5 KMT (Patience)/#3 NATO (Reliable)
Taiwan & United States (“Dead or Alive”)
Irish, Javanese, 汉 = Laos
8G, Optical Cable (Digital Broadcast Television, Internet TV)(e.g. Youtube)

For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Matthew 5:18
我确实地告诉你们:即使天和地都消逝了,律法的一点一画也绝不会消逝,直到一切都成就。马太福音 5:18

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Errata 28Nov2022 *Not for Published, for Circulation only.