Y284. War Insight IV: Sea War Foundation (Whiteboard)

Is Ethnic take over Religion true?

There are only Four Religion correspond to Ethnic. Which meant 4 position of Gods only.

But there are Six Cult Religion correspond to Biblical Villain.

Is human are equally made?
This is confirmed by History and Civilisation. There are many Creator.
Each Ethnic are rotating Election as Semitic, for Chinese only. There are few slots for Chinese Semitic.

For Christianity God is Jehovah, and the Election Ethnic had been rule out to be Jew, if not then it is another Religion. Jew the Canaan is the 2nd Premium Ethnic under the 1st Premium Ethnic Himalayan, and the Last 2nd Premium Ethnic, Anglican i.e. one of 12 sect of Semitic also equivalent to 1st Premium.

Yet, there is exception on African and its derivative, they are made by Islam God.
Hence, some African has no Original Sins called African Semitic.
Democracy cannot applied to African.

For Japan and Korea Peninsular, Thai Peninsular belong to African derivative from their Blood type which is meant the Organic, this is doesn’t include Indian.

Indian belong to another Civilisation e.g. Jurassic. There are Indian God too, and its 4 position.

It is however, the matching of timeline with Christianity and Islam God is a trial, due to the sake of Same kind of Election people, the Semitic.

What differ of Islam God and Christian God?
Islam God is 1 position only. But Christian God has 4 position, which dividing Bible into 4.
This is further supplement by Alpha Omega, timeline. Forward and Backward.

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