Y287. Communication Protocol (Whiteboard)

The Carbon Copied i.e. C.C

1. Essay: Conspiracy Articles (Signature to Post to Read) – ZION (Lock e.g. 1 year 1st coherent)

2. Glossary: News Channel (Intellectual to Read) – CIA (2 year 1st coherent)

3. Picture: Biblical Broadcast (Decryption to View) – KMT (3 year 1st coherent)

4. Time phase: Marriage Telegram (Time Stamp to Read) – UN (4 year 1st coherent)

5. Letter: Economic Review (Seal to Post and Read) – WWF (5 year 1st coherent)

6. Graph: Medicine Journal (Believer to Read) – WHO (6 year 1st coherent)

7. Geolocation: History Bulletin (Hosting to Post and Read) – FBI (7 year 1st coherent)

8. Structured Data: Scientific Whitepaper (Semitic to Read) – NASA (8 year 1st coherent)

9. Chart: Political Census (Anonymous to Post) – VATICAN (9 year 1st coherent)

10. Diagram: Military Whiteboard (Identity Cryptography to Read) – NATO (Lock e.g. 10 Year 1st coherent)

The Blind Carbon Copied i.e. B.C.C

5G, mmWave Antenna i.e. Ether (Film)(e.g. Netflix/iTunes) – Buckingham Palace, Anti Terrorism Headquarter (Terrorism Intelligence)(“A date with Spring”)

1G, Sonic Radar (Radio)(e.g. Soundcloud) – Jerusalem Outpost (World War Intelligence)(“The Downfall of Buckingham”)

2G, Wired Cable i.e. Antenna (Television)(e.g. Tiktok) – Bhutan Terrorism Headquarter (Terrorism Intelligence)(“The Fig Tree”)

6G, Gravitational Wave Radar (Fascimile)(e.g. Facebook/Linkedin) – Berlin Outpost (World War Intelligence)(“Change the World by Anti Semitic”)

3G, Optic Cable (Telephone)(e.g. Whatsapp) – Pentagon Outpost (Cold War Intelligence)(“The Canyon Road”)

7G, Radiative Satellite (Satellite Radio i.e. Internet Radio)(e.g. Twitter) – Zhongnanhai Royal (Royalism to Thai Peninsular & Malaysia Peninsular)

4G, Radiative Satellite (Internet)(e.g. WordPress) – White House Royal (Pentecost to African, Bible Online)

8G, Optical Cable (Digital Broadcast Television, Internet TV)(e.g. Youtube) – Kuomintang Royal (Royalism to Chinese at Final Destination)

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Matthew 5:13-16
 你 们 是 世 上 的 盐 。 盐 若 失 了 味 , 怎 能 叫 他 再 咸 呢 ? 以 後 无 用 , 不 过 丢 在 外 面 , 被 人 践 踏 了 。马太福音 5:13-16

Errata 21Jan2023

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