Y290. Political Evolution III: 7th Heaven (Census)

The Fasci Unification of World required Enormous of Progression. Its to separate the Good and Evil. Yet, we have had not done this, fortunately.

But that is ultimately plan. As Biblical teaching. Its the day to conform to this world. And that is the Separation of Heaven and Earth. It is Universal, after all, the Overlapped of Civilization and Timeline.

The Re-orientation is the Key. There are Anti Israel and thereafter. The way to heaven is pass by Israel. And by pass the west oriental i.e. the liberal land. This Journey known as “The Silk Road”.

But there are many way to Rome. It is about Configuration, technically. This is the Quota of World GDP. If Goes Large, it goes Scaled up. There you will find heaven. Its the Trinity Heaven.

Like a yeast. When God say, Lets separate Heaven and Earth, the things done. Heaven in the Sky. Who want to live in the Earth after all. No one. Two layer of which Nine layer is the Upside down world a.k.a. The Hell and follow up is the Fire Lake.

Thy makes 7 layer of Heaven. The story goes on.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Matthew 7:13
你 们 要 进 窄 门 。 因 为 引 到 灭 亡 , 那 门 是 宽 的 , 路 是 大 的 , 进 去 的 人 也 多 。 马太福音 7:13

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