Y303. Hence Women and Serpent be Enemy (Forum)

What Queen Elizabeth II Left, is her perseverance in fight with the New Risen Western Power. This is apparently confirmed in her Death on previous day of Chinese Moon Festival.

Her name suggest she is a Democracy Monarchy. Conspiracy theory suggest the Diana Princess case was a plot of New Risen Western Power the Oriental Democracy Communism just Fasci Japan cum Nazi Germany. This is for Military Regime forming.

She will be with us forever until the dramatic Advent of Heaven. Yes, Christian Live Forever..Green is out of the Blue.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15
我 又 要 叫 你 和 女 人 彼 此 为 仇 ; 你 的 後 裔 和 女 人 的 後 裔 也 彼 此 为 仇 。 女 人 的 後 裔 要 伤 你 的 头 ; 你 要 伤 他 的 脚 跟 。创世纪 3:15

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