Y316. Christian Education IV: Modern Revelation (Post)

2 type of love only

erotic vs erotic defect

single (Hetero) vs marriage (Homo) – inc (Vatican) – Gentile 2
marriage (Homo) vs single (Hetero) – dec (Catholic) – Gentile 1->Sheep Ministry->Sheep (Doctrinal)

Goat (Christian Education) – Utopia’ i.e. Heaven
Sheep (Doctrinal) – Oriental
Sheep (Ministry) – Promised Land

4 Robot: Solver, Ironman (Intelligence IQ, ESD)(Local) + Logo, Transformer (Broadcast CQ, EMF)(Universe) + Flyer, E.T. (Controller EQ, IR)(Group) + Calculator, UFO (Processor AQ, UV)(Individual)

Story C (Oriental)(Theme: Star War (Germany), Villain: E.T.)

Gentile 2 i.e. Moron the Deaf (Law)->False Marriage + Trojan Horse (Promised Land->Oriental” e.g. 2nd Resurrection)->Star War + 7 Guardian Angel + 7 Temptation i.e. Weapon+7 Disaster + 4 Creature + All Zombie + All Little Lamb->All Chopped Lamb +1 Living Robot (Heaven) + 3 Living Robot + All No Chopped Lamb (2nd Dead)

Story B (Promised Land)(Theme: Stone Age (Japan), Villain: Joker)

Gentile 1 i.e. Little Lamb the Cripple (Grace) ->True Marriage + Colony (Promised Land’->Oriental’ e.g. 1st Resurrection)->Stone Age + 24 Ethnic Leader + One Knight + One Joker + Last Church + Last Beauty + 4 Fallen Angel + Arch Angel + 10 Ministry Kings + All Lamb ->All (Heaven) + Knight or Joker + All little Lamb (1st Dead)

Story A (Utopia)(Theme: Modern Revelation (Malaysia), Villain: Devil, Beast, False Prophet)

Scapegoat i.e. Nerd the Blind (Truth) ->Single Marriage + Word Prison +The 6 Biblical Villain (2 to Oriental’+ 1 to Oriental”)(3 fallen to Fire Lake) + All Big Lamb (Oriental)

Antichrist i.e. Geek the Dumb (Burden) ->The 4 Living Creature + Spiritual Evil Body a.k.a. Zombie (Oriental)

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved. 

*Not for Published