Y317. Criminology III: Colony, Trojan Horse, Word Prison (Bulletin)

A. Word Prison, Hormone bill, Harm Eye, Disrupt Sea (Pandemic) ->Count Down Heritage Entropy Process (Erotic Defect)

B. Colony, Carbon bill, Harm Mouth, Disrupt Sky (Climate Change) ->Share Out Economy Progress (Paper Defect)

C. Trojan Horse, Poison bill, Harm Ear, Disrupt Land (Earth Quake) ->Coverage Up Community Time Frame (Mind Defect)

Hormone Bill Related to Genocide Conspiracy i.e. Diminished Community Time Frame (Hygienic Policy). Carbon Bill Related to Nuclear Conspiracy i.e. Life Insurance Load (Nuclear Treaty). And Poison Bill Related to Tsunami Conspiracy i.e. Reverse Humanity Heritage. (Climate Protocol).

The Greatest is the Poison Bill, Spiritually as well as Physically, which could deteriorate the Humanity Scaled i.e. the Justice at Exponential rate. e.g. Bribery, Sabotage, Boycott those Psychology Tactics as Leadership.

And following comes to Hormone bill, Spiritually as well as Physically too. It could make New Material becomes like Old and New Literature becomes becomes like Original. This is the Entropy, the Available Reverse Timeline Process linked to Erotic Defect cause by Social Engineering the Word Prison.

Carbon bill directly contributed to the Public Ministry, which barrier the Economy Progress e.g. Entertainment, and Traveling, etc. Those wasting and colonization of Human Resource.

Implementation of this Act will help prevent from Politic Criminals. And could use by Public as understanding the Organised Crime Syndicate Conspiracy.

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