Y318. Christian Education V: Meta Science (Post)

2 Meta Science
Medicine vs Genealogy
Medicine: For healing physical body
Genetic: For healing spiritual body

The difference is Quantum Science and Genetic Science, in which Quantum Science is Time Profile (e.g. Thermodynamics Profile)(Time Graph). And Genetic Science is Time Map (e.g. Gravitational Map)(Time Structure).

The Time Graph constituted by the Single Organic Entity Data. The Time Structure constituted by the World Wide Organic Entity Data.

This two branch of Meta Science, rule out the Nutritious value, and Discovered Material value.

The Herb and Jewellery.

The Physical Meta belong to Israel heritage. And Spiritual Meta belong to Buckingham heritage.

The derivative branch of these two, incl.
Ancient Architecture, Ancient Herb vs Retro Music, Reinvention Literature.

These two kind of Meta was under the Threat of Hormone Bill, the Erotic Defect, which could reverse the value into Rubbish. No Nutritious value and Outdated Material value.

This outline the Meta Science linked to Whole Human Civilisation Maturity.

And Heritage Protection as well as Culture Protection become apparently important as Crucial Step to reaching another Higher Peak, and into Heaven.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.