Y319. Biblical Application: Repentance (Bulletin)

Islam terrorism are those Intellect Islam, but not those Scholar Islam. The mere difference is on the Doctrine of Meta Law, in which there are medicine inclined and spiritual medicine inclined.

Bias of these cause Meta disorder i.e. Law Disorder. e.g. Architecture and Music cannot integrated. Why? One had to pinned, one is arbitary. Those Law disorder Islam called Democrat Islam, i.e. Islam Terrorism.

But same analogy, Terrorism doesn’t apply to non Islam election people, in which Christian Education comes along. That may brings Meta Disorder too, specific to those Blind Faith, the supertitous group.

Those Chinese has no terrorism, but form up a Repel group against the Repentance i.e. Democratic. That repel force can pull in or push out toward Taiwan Politic Evolution, depend on the dominant ethnic.

christian education: Commonwealth (Singapore democratic), Utopia (learning)(Calculating)
docrinal training: Nationalist (China democracy), Oriental (training)(Writing)
christian ministry: Nationalism (Taiwan democrat ), Promised Land (repentance)(Reading)

Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” Matthew 14:8
女 儿 被 母 亲 所 使 , 就 说 : 请 把 施 洗 约 翰 的 头 放 在 盘 子 里 , 拿 来 给 我 。马太福音 14:8

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