Y321. Criminology IV: Crime Syndicate of Western & Chinese (Bulletin)

Qing Organised Orchestra – Agency James Bond – Trojan Horse – Singapore – (False Christ, Believe Blind Faith)
Soong Sister HQ Dynasty Church – Fund President – Word Prison – Malaysia – (Joshua, Preacher)
Qing Military Regime Cult – Think Tank Colonel – Bankruptcy – Taiwan (Serpent, Advocate Blind Faith)
Qing Mafia Restaurant – Scapegoat God father – Colony – Hongkong (Satan, Economic Conspiracy)

Neo Nazi Organised Orchestra – Agency James Bond – Trojan Horse – Australia – (False Prophet, Accuser)
Fusionism Mafia Restaurant – Scapegoat God father – Colony – Germany (Devil, False Doctrine)
Nazi HQ Dynasty Church – Fund President – Word Prison – United States (Man of Sins, Word Ransom)
Fasci Military Regime Cult – Think Tank Colonel – Bankruptcy – United Kingdom – (Messiah, Judge)

“Where is my tail?” – False Prophet?? (Accuser, Pandemic)

“And where is the one man show” – Man of Sins? (Word Ransom, Tsunami)

“And the Christian Allergy???” – Serpent (Advocate Blind Faith, Tsunami)

“Its about the Harvest to reverse all this.” – Satan (Economic Conspiracy, Tsunami)

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