Y327. Christian Education VII: The Love or Bread (Post)

English version

Two Meta Science: The Two Vector Ratio makes the Logo of Cross.

Material: Secularistic (Nationalism, Goat, Law)/Literal (Communism, Lamb, People)
Spiritual: Natalism (Capitalism, Sheep, Light)/Racialism (Commonwealth, Goat & Sheep, Logo)
Literal: Artistic + Philosophic + Idolism

1. Secularistic i.e. Liberal (Human Right)(Goat)(Christian Education): Erotic + (Boy: Hetero, Girl: Hetero)(Witch)(Masker) – Catholic fund (Covenant of Ark & Conch->Advent)(For All Semitic)

2. Natalism i.e. Romance (Grace)(Sheep)(Doctrinal Training): Erotic + (Boy: Hetero, Girl: Homo)(Cinderella)(Little Prince) – Christian think tank (Act of Gospel->God Kingdom)(For All Non Semitic and Semitic)

3. Racialism i.e. Agape (Truth)(Goat & Sheep)(Christian Ministry): Erotic + (Boy: Homo, Girl: Hetero)(Owl)(Celebrity) – Christian logo (Law of Moses->Promised Land)(For All Non Semitic)

4. Artistic i.e. Pluto (Blind Faith)(Antichrist)(False Doctrinal Training): Non Erotic + (Boy: Hetero, Girl: Homo)(Jinn)(Bodybuilder) – Protestant fund (Colonisation Land, for Gentile)

5. Philosophic i.e. Soul Mate (Blind Hope)(Homo Gentile)(False Christian Ministry): Non Erotic + (Boy: Homo, Girl: Homo)(Maid)(Follower) – Buddhism think tank (Colonisation Sea, for Religion Diplomacy)

6. Idolism i.e. True Love (Blind Love)(Transgendered Scapegoat)(False Christian Education): Non Erotic + (Boy: Homo, Girl: Hetero)(Snow White)(Dwarf) – Islam scapegoat (Colonisation Sky, for Biblical Villain)



物质主义: 属世派/文字派
属灵主义: 样貌派/种族派
文字派分支: 印象派 + 思想派 + 偶像派

1. 属世派, 人权主义 i.e. 自由, 基督徒教育: (山羊)(有色)(Boy: Hetero, Girl: Hetero)(巫婆)(蒙面侠) – 天主教基金会

2. 样貌派, 功名主义i.e. 罗曼史, 教规锻炼: (绵羊)(有色)(Boy: Hetero, Girl: Homo)(灰姑娘)(小王子) – 基督徒智囊团

3. 种族派, 真理主义i.e. 博爱, 基督徒事工: (山羊与绵羊)(有色)(Boy: Homo, Girl: Hetero)(猫头鹰)(名星) – 基督徒的十字架

4. 印象派, 迷信主义i.e. 柏拉图, 伪教规锻炼: (敌基督)(无色)(Boy: Hetero, Girl: Homo)(狐狸精)(大只佬) – 新教基金会

5. 思想派, 真理主义 i.e. 纯文艺, 伪基督徒事工: (同性外邦人)(无色)(Boy: Homo, Girl: Homo)(丫环)(跟班) – 佛教派智囊团

6. 偶像派, 潮流主义i.e. 真爱, 伪基督徒教育:(变性代罪山羊)(无色)(Boy: Homo, Girl: Hetero)(白雪公主)(小矮人) – 回教派领导团

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:7-19
神就是爱,住在爱里面的,就是住在神里面,神也住在他里面。这样,爱在我们里面得以完全,我们就可以在审判的日子坦然无惧;因为他如何,我们在这世上也如何。 爱里没有惧怕,爱既完全,就把惧怕除去,因为惧怕里含着刑罚;惧怕的人在爱里未得完全。约翰一书 4:7-19

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