Y330. War Insight VIII: Stone Age, Star War, Rambo (Whiteboard)

A. Sea Calculate 9 Texture, Music (Love, Patience), EQ
Glossy (Smooth Luke Gospel), Matte (Neat, Matthew Gospel), Textured (Fur, John Gospel)/Geography
(Spiritual Maturity determined by Entropy the so called Spiritual Energy a.k.a. Economic Discovery e.g. Low Radiative Material, Reinvented Product)

7+2 (Max 9 times) Church (Theology)(Four Gospel) – Act

6 Biblical Villain, 3 Biblical Paragon

Suspended Scale, Piano, Hymn, Begin Catholic: Mariology i.e. (False Christ)/Ending Puritan: Vision Theology (Messiah inheritors)
Added Scale, Keyboard, Jazz – Charismatic: Advent Theology (Devil)
Major Scale, Cello, Classical – Methodist: Ecclesiology i.e. Arminianism Theology (Jesus inheritors)
Minor Violin, Ethnicity – Pentecostal: Victory Theology (Man of Sins)
Augmented Scale, Brass, Blues – Fundamentalist: Creationism Theology (Serpent)
Diminished Scale, Flute, Oldies – Presbyterian: Canonical-logy i.e. Calvinism Theology (False Prophet)
Dominant Scale, Acoustic Guitar, Rock – Congregational: Anabaptism Theology (Satan)
Sub-Dominant Scale, Classical Guitar, Folks – Vatican: Christology i.e. Salvation Theology (Christ inheritors)

B. Sky Broadcast 8 Colour, Lighting (Faith, Holiness), CQ,AQ
Timing/Event Venue (Economic Myth determine by Genealogy Timeline the Ladder of Knot e.g. The Gene of Canaan Generations or Celt Generations.)

7+1 (Max 6 times) Seal (Moses Law) – Law

Grand Light EMF, 68 ESV, Hygienic Policy – Post A.D. (World War) – The Owl
Candle Light IR, 68 Tyndale, Human Right Protection Act – New Post A.D. (End time) – The Queen
Bright Light UV, 99 CSB, Climate Protocol – A.D (After Christ) – Nil
Flash Light ESD, 99 NIV, International Contract Act – New A.D. (Advent) – The Disciple
Chromatic Light IR, 69 KJV, War Crime Constitution – Pre A.D. (Medieval) – The Witch
Lantern Light EMF, 69 CCB, Intelligence Act – New Pre A.D. (Culture Renaissance) – The Cat
Warm Light ESD, 37 NLT, Nuclear Treaty B.C. (Ancient) – The Godness
Spot Light UV, 37 CUV, Union Protection Act New B.C. (Modern the New Era) – The Jinn

C. Land Intelligence 4 Smell, Food (Hope, Forgiveness), IQ
Player/Demography (Universe Physical Maturity Anti-Clockwise 45 times then Open).

3+1 Living Creatures (Abraham Covenant) – Covenant

Sour 酸 Fusionism, United Kingdom, Hongkong – UFO 土 silicon (separation<->superimpose) – Loose (Genocide), WWF Moon River 江南 (Large)
Spice 辣 Marxism, Russia, Taiwan – Transformer 木 crude oil (transparent<->broacast)- Lucky (Tsunami), UN Rabbit 白兔 (Medium)
Sweet 甜 Fascism Japan, Malaysia – E.T. 火 coke (power<->control) – Strike (Nuclear), WHO Volcano 火山 (Small)
Bitter 苦 Nazism Germany, Singapore – Ironman 金 diamond (release<->receive) – Tight (Terrorism), NASA Oriental Dancer 嫦娥 (Extra Large)

9 quantum sigmoid benchmark index
6+2 genetic logarithm audit counts
2+2 pentecost linear quota percentage

I. Candle Light IR, 68 Tyndale, Human Right Protection Act – New Post A.D. (End time)(New Jerusalem i.e. Australia)(Tsunami) villain: Nazi Germany, New Post A.D. Stone Age, Joker vs Australia,Russia (Continent changed), Sky along with Heritage

II. Flash Light ESD, 99 NIV, International Contract Act – New A.D. (Advent)(New Buckingham i.e. United Kingdom)(Terrorism) villain: Islam Terrorism, New A.D. Rambo, Devil,False Prophet,False Christ vs Messiah,Mary,Joseph (Sea Level changed), Land along with Civilisation

III. Spot Light UV, 37 CUV, Union Protection Act New B.C. (Modern the New Era)(New Kuomintang i.e. Singapore)(Genocide) villain: Qing Syndicate, New B.C. Star War, E.T. vs Transformer (Territory changed), Sea along with Culture

Nuclear Back to Future Threat:

1st. Suspended Scale, Piano, Hymn, Ending Anglican: Vision Theology (Messiah inheritors) – United Kingdom (Silk Hair/Bald) – Heaven->Promised Land (Eden Garden, Pushan, Earth Quake)(Star War)

(Stone Age, New B.C. Era i.e. Christian Education Civilised ~1972‘)(Japan, Technical Academy)

(Rambo, New A.D. Apollo Era i.e. Demography Campaign ~1997′)(Germany, Industrialised Manufacturer i.e. Supply Chain)

(Star War, New Post A.D. Tesla Era i.e. Abolishment Union Consensus e.g. Privacy Misconduction Commission ~2022)(Indonesia, News Agency)

(New Jerusalem Formed)(For Public Security)(Oriental)(Time Lapse 72 yrs)

2nd. Major Scale, Cello, Classical – Methodist: Ecclesiology i.e. Arminianism Theology (Jesus inheritors) – Hongkong (Large Body/Slim Body) – Oriental->Heaven (Oriental Pearl, Johor Bahru, Famine)

(Rambo, New B.C. Hongkong 反清复明 i.e. Nationalism Revolution against Popularism ~1600‘)(Australia, New Living)

(Star War, New A.D. Hongkong 上海滩 i.e. Broadway ~1950‘)(United States, Food Street)

(Stone Age, New Post A.D. 经济革命 i.e. Brexit ~2100’)(United Kingdom, Private Lab)

(New Buckingham Formed)(For National Security)(Promised Land)(Time Lapse 500 yrs)

3rd. Sub-Dominant Scale, Classical Guitar, Folks – Lutheran: Christology i.e. Salvation Theology (Christ inheritors) – Taiwan (High Nose/Low Nose) – Promised Land->Oriental (Modern Revelation, Simlim Square, Virus)

(Stone Age, New B.C. Taiwan 国民初期 i.e. Puritan Revolution against False Christian ~1910’)(Taiwan, Music oriented Bookstore)

(Rambo, New A.D. Taiwan 文化革命 i.e. Doctrinal Training Campaign against African Democrat Church ~1960′)(Singapore, Shopping Centre)

(Star War, New Post A.D. Taiwan 现代启示录 i.e. Devout Christian Education against Buddhism Regime the Calvinism ~ 2010′)(Hongkong, Doctrine Research Blog)

(New Taiwan Formed, ~2010′)(For Civil Security)(Utopia)(Time Lapse 100 yrs)

Three Phase to Heaven


Developing Country-> Japan New B.C. 1972’

Developed Country->Germany New A.D. 1997’

Intelligent Country->Hongkong New Post A.D. 2010’

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.