Y331. War Insight IX: The Mechanism of Nature/Manmade Disaster (Whiteboard)

A. Bone Organic Ranking determine the Geography the Geothermal (Virus, Geothermal raised).
Universe Maturity
Spiritual Body (Homogenous), Quantum (i.e. Inheritance of Gene, Stem Cell, Public Security, Erotic Quality), Benchmark Percentile, Skin Radiation Speed i.e. Skin Radiant. UV

B. Eye Blood Pressure determine Timeline the Sea Level (Tsunami, Sea Level raised).
Economic Discovery
Holy Spirit (Family Group), Genetic (i.e. Blueprint of Gene, DNA, National Security, Language Platform), Audit Rate, Brain Energy i.e. Body Mass Changing Rate. IR/EMF

C. Inner Ear Bone Frequency determine Social Network the Demography (Nuclear, Demography raised).
Spiritual Maturity
Soul (Holistic), Pentecost (i.e. Tongue Language, Civil Security, Literacy), Quota Percentage, Sonar Emitting Range i.e. Enclosure Shield. ESD e.g. Receive (Steel Nazism), Superimpose (Glass Fusionism), Broadcast (Wood Marxism), Transparent (Brick Fascism).

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