Y333. The Required Verse is the Time Lapse (Census)

One poison one meat. Its depend on your definition. Called Ah Q spirit. For something is irreversible. Yes, the mind poison.

I called this Holiness effect. e.g. The Puritan Christian. Just make a space for all of us. A Spade. So now we know poison could separate heaven and earth.

And the immunity comes from hygienic, mentally take place. And for what so called Human Right. Learns more.

Its Quantum Mechanics. Erotic Quality driven. Its about orientation. First time count. And it make a chain. No more than that.

This is Game Theory. The Partial Differential Solver, for Organic. Not Psychology but Christian Law. More than Psycho Science.

In Surgery also apply this. The Separation of Tumour. Using Hormones Methodology. Not UV or Radiation Methodology. The Quantum Science. The Cell Activation Technology. Its about Choice.

This Cell Activation could separate Good and Bad Cells. In the senses of Ageing. This is not secret, but the Trustability sound more than Clinical Trial. The Puritan Christian Way.

How Great of Trust are you? Its how Holiness you are. And Present now is perpetual growing for Christian. Some False Christian is Rule out.

This is Natal and Post Natal. Determine by Lucks combine with Effort. Not mentally training. Not psychological training. But Choosing your Comfort Zone.

Don’t worry about Speed, but worry about Rush And this is Holiness Training..a.k.a. Doctrinal Training. The key is discerning good and bad, even to righteous and evil.

Not asking poisoning, but asking sweetening. and this able to discerning false Christian from normal Christian.

To discerning Righteous more skills. Lets same kind gather each of its kind accordingly. Its tactical wrong to gather evil. There is is tradition way, and ancient way.

For Demography make Nuclear but reduce Terrorism. The Intelligence take part.The discrepancy of Nazi and Fasci. Crazy people.So Democrats not suitable for Islam. For there are a single entity of community. Same DNA.ence they wont have positive growth of Holiness.

You need to find out more. But I know Holiness depend on Group’s DNA. Not gene derivative but gene Platform.

Gene Platform is known as Rhetoric or Body Language. Efficiency of Energy in terms of Calories.Like Petrol Millage. Not Mental Strength, but Mental Precision.The Format counts more.ahe Counts take place. i.e. Coherent. and this make 3 demography ultimately. And the rest are Clusters.

The demography formed on the basis of coherent, and this make three Peaks. The demography formed on the basis of coherent, and this make three Peaks.

The other three is on the bottom and two is neutral. In other word means, mirroring. Kao Kao take place. Thats the Puritan Christian Allergy.

Who dare to be billionaire?Banana Leaf Fan? So make better even better.Puritan Christian has dead end. It required tightening.

To outshine the best. Or became stepping stone of other. Ethnic contrast Religion in the sense of Holiness.

This is the Golden Trap. Its to make non Holy become Holy. Not the other way round. Minority Ethnic has this advantage, but I dont recommend for the sake of blood. The Aboriginal is Homogenous Community. All are same.

Its not wise to make Ethnic became Holiness. But Passively.

It dont suggest minority ethnic Democracy. I dont suggest minority ethnic Democracy Church, Family, and University.

There are Authentic Christianity Community stay within. The rest of Community had changed to Democracy in hard way.

Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. Luke 22: 31-32
撒旦想要得着你们,好筛你们像筛麦子一样。但我已经为你祈求,叫你不至于失了信心。路加福音 22:31-32

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