Y334. Criminology VIII: Meta Law, Constitution Law, Commission Law (Bulletin)

A. 9 Act 500 times – Meta Law (Fictional Law)(Nuclear Treaty) – AU International Law referendum on All Religion
(500 theorem->Integrated into 2 Meta Law->2 Vectors i.e. Biblical Boundary

B. 8+2 Law 5000 times – Constitution Law (Modern Law)(Hygienic Policy) – UK Constitution referendum on Abraham+Moses
(5000 law->Accommodating into 1 Constitution of Hierarchy i.e. Pyramid System)

C. 2+2 Covenant – 45+/- 5 times – Commission Law (Tradition Law)(Climate Protocol) – US Covenant referendum on Moses
(35+5 city + 10 Continent Commission i.e. 10 King)

*It is Branched Out into Space, and Rooted In unto Land. Error of these causing Fallen.

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