Y340. Criminology X: The Copyright Trace Back (Bulletin)

Electro-Magnetic Coherent Wave

EMF 4D – The Two Way Time Progression “Chaos Theory” analogy.

Alpha; Omega; RY; RQ

Coherent Wave – Alpha – 3rd, Nazism Satan, Christ the Redeemer (The Identity Victim to Soul Redeemer, i.e. Trademark)
Induced Wave – Omega – 1st, Marxism Serpent, Jesus the Attorney (The Salvation of Life, i.e. Patent)
Original Wave – RY – Last, Fascism False Prophet, Messiah the Judge (The Heaven Guarantor, i.e. Copyright)
Final Wave – RQ – 2nd Fusionism False Christ, Joshua the Baptist (The Identity Thief to Life Resurrection, i.e. Service Mark)

Begin with RY, thence got the Alpha, Omega and RQ, in which RQ is Villain the Copy Cat.

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.