Y344. Criminology XI: Islam Renaissance vs Islam Democracy (Bulletin)

The Islam Renaissance is a Campaign of Recruiting Other Religion Believer particularly Sri Lanka Tamil, They are Practised Islam Doctrinal Ritual more than Islam Education Teaching. It is known as Islamic Prayer Military Regime due to they are Unity.

The Islam Democracy Organisation is specific to the African Ethnic all around the world participating Democracy as well as Repentance to Trinity God, the 3rd Position Islam God (Fictional). Hence, they are not fully Advocated Human Right Commission, but practicing Christian Education Teaching.

In compare these two Groups in the sense of Crime rating, the Islam Renaissance is equivalent to Vatican movement in Christianity which advocate Blind Faith and False Marriage e.g. Homosexual. Other side, the Islam Democracy is equivalent to Charismatic Wave in Christianity, which advocate Blind Hope and Erotic Defect e.g. Transgendered.

These two entity turn out into Antichrist and Scapegoat, as well as Fasci and Nazi.

In compare to Christianity, the Blind Faith is acceptable but Pentecostal Blind Hope is condemned. Other words meant Islam Military doesn’t induced any Terrorism activities. But Islam Democracy Organisation would linked to Terrorism activities, for low literacy by Incorrectly grasp hold the Christian Education Teaching.

The understanding of Genealogy Generation would tells more about the Brain Energy performance of Each Ethnic. In brief, the Diaspora Family has advantage over New Migrants Family.

It is inappropriate to address African as Individual or Egoism, as they are inclined more toward as Teams, in which otherwise proving Democracy is Independent Entity to Each and Every Country.

For the benchmark, I elaborate it into the Islam Car maker. Hope this makes any good sense.

Perodua vs Proton

Five Standard Closure:

  1. Safety vs Reliability: Religion Concern (Atheist vs Agnostic)
  2. Modular Linear Product vs Scalar Replica Product: Function
  3. Reverse Engineering vs Reinventing Engineering: Cost Value
  4. Assembly, Box-out vs Welding, Box-in: Maintenance Frequency
  5. Millage Efficiency vs Accommodate Capacitance: Brand Recognition

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