Y349. Christian Medicine V: The Holiness Healing (Journal)

What could Hurt you, doesn’t Killed you. – Ryan Lai 2022′

A. Meta, Ghost – (Organic Yeast, Chemical, Omega)(Dust, Skin)(isomer)

Mucosa i.e. Herbs Supplement (6D Blueprint i.e. Living Formula, Living Extracted DNA, Family), e.g. Topical Oil, Genetic Living Compound

Terminal Disease (Geothermal Heat) e.g. Inflammation or Wrong Food Intake
Dead End – Heart Malfunction (Natural Death)

Healing: Control the Room Temperature as well as Water Intake to stop Inflammation.
a.k.a. Christian Ministry. (The Mission, Family Covenant)

B. Biblical, Soul – (Organic Cell, Chemistry, RQ)(Breath of Life, Beard)(isotope)

Hormone i.e. Vitamin Essential (5D Geometric Time Profile, Induced Cryptography, Homogenous) e.g. Hormone Chilled, Genetic Stem Cell

Cell Mutation (EMF Induced) e.g. Tumour or Cancer
Dead End – Brain Malfunction (Vegetable Death)

Healing: Electronic Static Discharge Programs to Stop Undesired Growth.
a.k.a. Christian Education. (The Vision, Homogenous Covenant)

C. Pentecost, Holy Spirit – (Organic Blueprint, Catalyst, RY)(Rib, Fat)(isotope)

Sex Gland i.e. Enzyme Drug (4D Mechanism, Coherent Organ Triggered, Holistic) e.g. Drug Concentrated, Genealogy Blueprint

Organ Failure (Mechanic Vibration) – Physiology Drastic Change or Polarised Brain Energy
Dead End – Liver Fade Off (Suicide Death)

Healing: Pasteurised Living to Normalised Holistic Lifestyle.
a.k.a. Orthodox Christian Spiritual Training. (The Economic Load, the Apostle Act)

D. Quantum, Spiritual Body – (Organic Brew, Chemical, Alpha)(Clay, Nose)(isomer)

Insulin i.e. Glucose Nutrition (3D Structure i.e. Formula, mDNA, Individual) e.g. Vaccine Cream, Gene Artificial Content

Immunity Failure (Hygienic Accuracy) – Personal Allowable Toxic or Allergy Overdose
Dead End – Pancreas Ageing (Sudden Death)

Healing: Suitable Toxic by Diet.
a.k.a. Doctrinal Training by Suitable Favour of Lifestyle. (The Diet, Leviticus Law)

So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. Luke 7:22
耶稣便回答说:“你们回去把所见所闻告诉约翰,就是瞎子看见,瘸子走路,麻风病人得洁净,聋子听见,死人复活,穷人听到福音。 路加福音 7:22

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